英语人>词典>汉英 : 小熊座 的英文翻译,例句
小熊座 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Little Dipper · Ursa Minor · Little Bear · the Little Bear
更多网络例句与小熊座相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is that the Big Dipper or the little one?


The true Little Dipper is always in the north, while the tinier dipper of the Pleiades travels from east to west across the sky.


Connecting two stars in the far part of the Big Dipper will lead one to Polaris, the North Star, which is part of the Little Dipper.


The object, located in the constellation Ursa Minor, is nicknamed Calvera, after the villain in the movie "The Magnificent Seven".


更多网络解释与小熊座相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cynosure:小熊座, 北极星

ebullition 冒泡, 沸腾, (感情等的)爆发, 迸发 | cynosure 小熊座, 北极星 | mine entrance 矿井口,井口


cynosural 引人注目的 | cynosure 小熊座 | Cynthia 月亮女神

Little Dipper:小熊座

little by little 渐渐 | Little Dipper 小熊座 | little does one think 没想到

the Little Dipper:北斗七星(小熊座中者)自然星座

13242北斗七星(大熊座中者)自然星座the Big Dipper | 13243北斗七星(小熊座中者)自然星座the Little Dipper | 13244北斗星自然天文Wain; Charles's Wain

Is that the Little Dipper or the Big one? I can never remember:那是小熊座还是大熊座? 我记不清了

Nice night, actually.|美丽的夜晚 | Is that the Little Dipper or the Big one? I can never remember.|那是小熊座还是大熊座? 我记不清了 | Sorry about that.|很抱歉

Is that the Big Dipper or the little one:那是大熊座还是小熊座

Thank you very much, Daniel. I had a nice time.|非常感谢,丹尼尔 今天我过得很开心 | Is that the Big Dipper or the little one?|那是大熊座还是小熊座? | I can never tell them apart.|我从来都分不清

Polaris, polestar:北极星(勾陈一)(位于小熊座)

Pleiades 昴星团 | Polaris, polestar 北极星(勾陈一)(位于小熊座) | Pollux 北河三(位于双子座)

Urase Minoris UMi:小熊座

Ursa Major 大熊座 Urase Majoris UMa | Ursa Minor 小熊座 Urase Minoris UMi | Vela 船帆座 Velorum Vel

Ursa Minor:小熊座

大熊座(Ursa Major)和小熊座(Ursa Minor)卡利斯忒母子升上天后,赫拉更加愤怒. 去找海洋神老忒斯(Tethys)和俄刻阿诺斯(Oceanus),把卡利斯忒母子赶到北天,使她们绕著天极团团转,永不能落到水里休息. 赫拉还派了牧夫座和猎犬座在卡利斯忒母子后面追赶她们,

Ursa Minor UMi:小熊座

Ursa Major UMa 大熊座 1280 125 | Ursa Minor UMi 小熊座 256 20 | Vela Vel 船帆座 500 110