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- 极小的一滴
- 产生极小球体或小滴的
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Also in the Ram Air Scoop, is a layer of foam to block water droplets and large dirt particles from entering the intake stream.
The results of calculations correlate with the experimental data on the stability of emulsions with respect to coalescence and sedimentation.
一种物质的扩散从小对内部阶段更大的小滴由于Ostwald 成熟倾向于减少系统的多分散性和恶化它的族聚稳定。
The equilibrium values of the diameters of dispersed phase droplets are calculated.
The results obtained indicate that the opalescent glazes are characterized by their continuous phase with rich CaO a...
By virtue of Micro Focus High Speed Photography technique and digital image processing technique, the gravitation, electromagnetic force and the maintaining force rooted in the surface tension of the little guttate metal in droplet forming process were analyzed and calculated quantificationally.
Lipin induce culture show round lipid droplet, oil red dyeing masculine.
Using culture medium selection, diluted separation, plate lineration, centrifugal separation, capillary separation, droplet separation, pH separation, temperature separation, inhibitor separation and so on, ten species were obtained. There were Cyanophyta Nostoc punctiforme, Phormidium tenue, an undetermined alga; Chrysophyta Chromulina ovalis; Chlorophyta Cholorella ellipsoidea, Scenedesmus bijuga, S. quadricauda, Elakatothrix sp., Selenastrum minutum and Bacillariophyta Navicula sp.
The uniform droplet spray process is a nongas atomization technique that produces uniform alloy droplets with identical thermal properties.
The periportal red hyaline globules seen here with periodic acid-Schiff stain are characteristic for alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (a person with homozygous pi-ZZ genotype) The globules are intrahepatic collections of alpha-1-antitrypsin that is not being excreted from the hepatocytes .
1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症可见典型的病理变化是经 PAS 染色,可见肝细胞内有圆形红染半透明的玻璃样小滴。小滴是肝内α1-抗胰蛋白酶聚集不能被肝细胞排泄而形成的。
If you do this right, in two bashes you will be standing behind your enemy and have a positioning advantage.
- 更多网络解释与小滴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
而三酸甘油脂,一般是来自食物的脂肪经过大肠、小肠及淋巴管之代谢,最后会以乳糜小滴 (Chylomicron)进入血液循环,在血液循环中乳糜小滴经由酵素分解,其残余物(Chylomicron remants)才由肝脏细胞摄取而进一步合成三酸甘油脂,
\\"十二指肠\\",\\"chylogaster\\" | \\"乳糜小滴\\",\\"chylomicron,chylomicra\\" | \\"乳糜性心包炎\\",\\"chylopericarditis\\"
猪饲粮中大部分 (超过90%) 脂肪的消化与吸收,需经胰脂肪酶之水解作用,但在胰脂肪酶水解过程受胰辅脂肪酶 (colipase) 的调控,即是将经胆盐乳化后之脂肪小滴 (droplet) 稳定於胰脂肪酶氮端功能区块,进行脂肪水解作用形成甘油与脂肪酸.
cloud droplet:云滴
许多悬浮微粒就具有云凝结核的特性,它们可以增加小云滴( cloud droplet )的数量,而且进一步增加云的反照率. 考虑等量的水汽量,如果云滴数量多,则每一个云滴分配到的水汽较少,云滴的尺寸也因此偏小;相反的,如果云滴数量少,则云滴的尺寸较大.
cloud droplet:小雲滴
许多悬浮微粒就具有云凝结核的特性,它们可以增加小云滴( cloud droplet )的数量,而且进一步增加云的反照率. 考虑等量的水汽量,如果云滴数量多,则每一个云滴分配到的水汽较少,云滴的尺寸也因此偏小;相反的,如果云滴数量少,则云滴的尺寸较大.
Did your lady friend leave your nest again:你滴小母鳥又離了你的窩啦
Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me 小黃鳥, 你和我一般滴孤單 | Did your lady friend leave your nest again 你滴小母鳥又離了你的窩啦? | That is very sad, makes me feel so bad 這就太慘啦,俺也很難受
电镜下可见脂滴形成于内质网中,为有界膜包绕的圆形均质小体,称为脂质小体(liposome),其电子密度一般较高. 初形成的脂滴很小,以后可逐渐融合为较大脂滴,从而可在光学显微镜下察见,此时常无界膜包绕而游离存在于胞浆中.
09 可爱滴小兔子 Funny little bunnies | 10 奇特滴小企鹅 PECULIAR PENGUINS | 11 布鲁托当妈妈 MOTHER PLUTO
titer, titre:最小滴定度
"等效组织物质","tissue-equivalent material" | "最小滴定度","titer ; titre" | "滴定计","titrameter"
Funny little bunnies:可爱滴小兔子
08 聪明滴小母鸡 THE WISE LITTLE HEN | 09 可爱滴小兔子 Funny little bunnies | 10 奇特滴小企鹅 PECULIAR PENGUINS