英语人>词典>汉英 : 小标题 的英文翻译,例句
小标题 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crosshead  ·  subhead  ·  subtopic

更多网络例句与小标题相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dedicated to his late mother "who first taught me about Jesus" and with a subtitle that makes his own position crystal-clear, this is a book that some readers—especially non-believers—may find sentimental or cloying.


In fact, this method that adds explanatory note to online video resembles increasing crosshead for DVD same.


The article list that makes a station namely then and article caption want correspondence, he makes news station, every total caption and crosshead always are a series, there is alien caption among.


We asked Professor Luo Weidong to do the technical divisions on a few text to manage, increased crosshead, the habitual use according to chinese mainland academia did name of the term in teaching a text to Huang Youguang, person to adjust.


2 The headings in these conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.


In the second part, I will concrete analyze the key points of pianism and the form with my understanding and experience.


Perhaps you plan to use an introduction to your chapter topic, and then divide it into four subhead topics.


In fact, this increase in the Notes to the online video as the method to increase the subhead, like DVD.


The body of the subhead, font than the general body to at least one big name, but not more than the title font size.


The following elements have "layout": The blue header, the semi-transparent yellow logo, the subhead, and the white dotted wrapper.

下面元素中拥有Layout特性有:蓝色标题,半透明的黄色Logo ,小标题,和虚线框的包含框。

更多网络解释与小标题相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bastard title:简略标题页, 前书名页

bastard thread | 粗螺纹 | bastard title | 简略标题页, 前书名页 | bastard wing | 小翼羽

cascading windows:串联窗口, 可以同时看到所有窗口标题的重叠显示窗口 (计算机用语)

cascading menus 串联菜单, 选择的项目重新在主菜单旁边开一个小菜单 (计算机用语) | cascading windows 串联窗口, 可以同时看到所有窗口标题的重叠显示窗口 (计算机用语) | cascara 药鼠李; 缓泻剂 (名)

chat show:访谈节目

subtitle 小标题 | chat show 访谈节目 | tutorial 指导教师


crosshatch 阴影 | crosshead 小标题 | crossing 横越

Minor heading:小标题

次要故障 minor failure | 小标题 minor heading | 子行列式 minor of a determinant

minimize button:最小化按钮

我们可以拖动标题栏(Title Bar)在屏幕上移动窗口;可以单击最大化按钮(Maximize button)使整个窗口充满整个屏幕;可以最小化按钮(Minimize button)使整个窗口缩为一个图标;可以单击关闭按钮(Close button)关闭窗口甚至应用程序;


subharmonic 分谐波 | subhead 小标题;副标题 | subhedral crystal 半自形晶

Subheading info:小标题名称

photo Album Title: 像册名称 | Subheading info: 小标题名称 | Other info: 其他信息


.当这些窗口处于层迭(cascaded)、平铺(tiled)或最小化(minimized)状态时,它们的窗口标题栏中将显示文件的名称以及最小化、最大化、关闭按钮. .点击标题栏上的最大化按钮或最小化按钮可以将文档窗口放到最大或最小. .如果您最大化其中一个文档窗口,

small icons:小图标

外观变化虽不大,但文件夹的选项却强大了不少上图的这个选项滑块可以让用户选择文件夹中的文件陈列模式,可以使用详细信息(details),标题(title),大图标(large icons),中等图标(medium icons),小图标(small icons)等模式.