英语人>词典>汉英 : 小数点的 的英文翻译,例句
小数点的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小数点的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The calculating unit for filling is tonnages and the amount shall be filled to three figures after point.


The decimal point question 8, other enter with other, this operation causes the stock raw material itemized account the cost and the general ledger raw material level subject cost is not coordinated, thus does not have the means to examine the goods in stock itemized account the income sends out as well as the balance amount.


The decimal point on the seconds digit is turned on when sync is detected and turned off when sync is lost.


Division programs written using VHDL, of course, use the Fraction, decimal point of division has not been achieved.


Although the decimal point is little,it's a big deal to the whole.


You can not have numbers that have digits past the decimal point.


You can't choose a fractional number, deal fractional damage, gain fractional life, and so on.


A change in market share of 5% of the shares to "Jupai" the relevant laws and regulations has long been popular, with the exception of Baoan Group early in the first set a precedent for extension Jupai in non-industrial operations, market participants can basically comply with the regulations, if Hit 5% this red notice and be able to brake in time, if any, is beyond the scope of the decimal point.


REMEMBER – The tables have a discrepancy due to rounding error; therefore, the calculator is more accurate.


Searching engine is a machine after all, even if,he can discover you a decimally little change, dan Yongyuan cannot set out from overall situation, hold the substance of content.


更多网络解释与小数点的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



变量小数点以上位数设定Decimal Part: 变量小数点以下位数设定:Integral Part

⑤ Read Only:变量只能读取或写入数值设定 | ⑥ Integral Part:变量小数点以上位数设定Decimal Part: 变量小数点以下位数设定 | ⑦ Min Limit,Max Limit:变量的最小、最大限制值设定

decimal point:小数点

(三)通常公制单位中,在四位数以上时,每三位数均以逗点加以区隔,但在SI单位中为避免混乱起见,每三位数则以间隔分开,如公制的35,245,621应写成为35 245 621;有小数点(decimal point)数值仍以小数点表示外,小数点以下亦以每三位数加以间隔分开,

actual decimal point:实际存在的十进制小数点

实际集中比 actual concentration ratio | 实际存在的十进制小数点 actual decimal point | 实际效率 actual efficiency

assumed decimal point:假定的小数点,假定十进位小数点,假定小数点,假设小数点

assumed datum 假定基准面 | assumed decimal point 假定的小数点,假定十进位小数点,假定小数点,假设小数点 | assumed fault calculation system 想定事故計算システム

Misplaced decimal point:(十进制小数点位置错)

Misplaced continue (位置错) | Misplaced decimal point (十进制小数点位置错) | Must be addressable (必须是可编址的)


首先最好用的赔率是小数点(decimal)制度. 像11赔3之类的分数不方便讨论. 如果某个赔率是4,也就是1赔4的话,那么实际的收益率是300%,因为还包括了本金. 请尽量把赔率看成一个价格. 之前说过必发和威廉希尔以及立博等传统庄家最大的区别在于其是交易所,

deficient number:因子和小于本身的数字

Decimal 小数点 | Deficient number 因子和小于本身的数字 | Degree 度数


Decimal: 小数点的 | Telekinetic: 心灵遥感的 | Alluring: 迷人的;诱惑的


decimal point 小数点 | decreased 下降后的 | decrease ... to... 从...下降到...