英语人>词典>汉英 : 小插曲 的英文翻译,例句
小插曲 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小插曲相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The exclusion from the ancona match was just an episode, but for me it was a confirmation that i would not have a chance at the club.


It'd just be another saucy anecdote..


Can you believe that? A little chin music


Can you believe th at ? A little chin music


I don't know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war.


The only way I know of dealing with this general human concert is to remund ourselves that man is a brief episode in the life of a small planet in a little corner of the universe, and that for aught we know ,other parts of the cosmos may contain beings as superior to ourselves as we are to jelly-fish .


The poems are a sequence of snapshots—often small, spasmodic and delicately imagistic—of particularly crucial incidents in his life; of moments of intellectual illumination.


The vignettes at the core of each song are rendered perfectly - tales of small things beautifully told.


Burn Notice: Season Two features a good dose of deleted scenes, chatty audio commentaries by cast and crew, a genuinely charming gag reel (featuring Donovan doing a little soft-shoe), and a genuinely illuminating featurette with the show.s creator, Matt Nix, describing the process of preparing to direct an episode.


And I would think other than that one little hiccup with Kitty Hawk - if you look at the history of the past few years and then if you watch what happens in the next year - you know it's still in planning - I think you kind of go - well, it's just a little blip!


更多网络解释与小插曲相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let's not forget that important little factoid:咱别忘了你说的这个小插曲

而你 有个男朋友哦 And you have a bo... | 咱别忘了你说的这个小插曲 Let's not forget that important little factoid. | 我有个巡回演出的男朋友-- 一个我从没见过的男友-I have a boyfriend who's on tour -- a b...

futile sideshow:一个小插曲(对好的结果无足轻重)

3.ruled by a coalition of 20 parties 被30个党的联盟控制(印度政体) | 4.futile sideshow 一个小插曲(对好的结果无足轻重) | 5.government intimidation 政府的胁迫

government intimidation:政府的胁迫

4.futile sideshow 一个小插曲(对好的结果无足轻重) | 5.government intimidation 政府的胁迫 | 6. born into a world of Mao suits, food rations, price controls and Communist slogans--形容60年代出生的人

Loretta Lynn:深夜的忧郁

11.汽车后座上的小插曲Wesley McNair/19 | 12.深夜的忧郁Loretta Lynn/22 | 13.让人心碎的忧郁Ian Duncan/24


(一个相似的小插曲:加利福尼亚洛杉矶大学(UCLA)图书馆的墙壁上有这样一句家喻户晓的话:"Haec studia①在英语中,相邻或邻近的几个字的字头发音相同叫头韵体,"储备"(Storage)与"稳定"(Stability)之间,以及"进步"(Progress)与"贫穷"(Poverty)之间都是头韵体.


)打上"怪人"(queer)标签的"凡人"(folk),但不管弯直同异,是人就会成长变化(新陈代谢、生老病死、曲终人散......),发生变化就必然要面对抉择. 那些带有时代特征、政治倾向、说教意义的小插曲只不过是将人生引入十字路口的导路牌.

Gayle Sayers:忧郁的面孔

9.沃尔特.米蒂式的白日梦Robert Timmerman/15 | 10.忧郁的面孔Gayle Sayers/18 | 11.汽车后座上的小插曲Wesley McNair/19

Scuba Diving Girl:潜海姑娘 影片《潜海姑娘》插曲

11 小草 歌剧>选曲 Short Grass 3'38" | 12 潜海姑娘 影片>插曲 Scuba Diving Girl 3'30" | 13 二月里来 选自> Arriving In February 4'26"


intricately-choreographed 复杂的编排 | vignettes 小插曲,小片断 | take centre stage 到舞台的中心

Caria Bruni:(天使的肌肤电影插曲)

05. Caria Bruni (天使的肌肤电影插曲) | 06. Encore une Fois-Helene Segara (前缘再续) | 07. La vie en Rose (玫瑰人生)-小野丽莎