英语人>词典>汉英 : 小大写字母 的英文翻译,例句
小大写字母 的英文翻译、例句


small capital
更多网络例句与小大写字母相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The packets kept coming from England, each sheet written to the rim in Swift's crabbed little hand, which she imitated to perfection, full of nonsense words, and capital letters, and hints which no one but Stella could understand, and secrets which Stella was to keep, and little commissions which Stella was to execute.


Why does she a pen-name?When the first "Harry Potter" novel was published, the publisher asked her to use initials rather than her first name. This was because boys would be biased against a book written by a woman.


Uppercase is a form of emphasis, but it is very weak.


There were 8 capital English letters in each circle, which formed three homocentric circles."T" was designed as the target stimulus.


Frog thinks that in order to build a big ROCKET he needs big, uppercase letters. But when he needs to rescue the Little Piggies in outer space, he learns that a r-o-c-k-e-t could work too!


Lettering in figures should be in lower-case type, with the first letter capitalized and no full stop.


更多网络解释与小大写字母相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"Alphabet"这字是从希腊的头二个字母"Alpha"和"Beta"结合而成的. 大写字母或如"CAPITALS"已经使用了许多世纪的唯一字形. 小写或小的字母是在中世纪时由书法家、作家、和学者,当他们抄写古抄本(Codex)和书籍时渐渐发展而成.


puny 小的,弱的,微不足道的 | lacklustre 无光泽的 | capitalize 以大写字母写,变成资本



small capital:小体大写字母

small business 小型商业 | small capital 小体大写字母 | small caps 小型大写字母

small capital letter:小体大写字母

small capacity cable 细芯电缆,少芯电缆 | small capital letter 小体大写字母 | small car 轻型人汽车

in attempting to:企图

50. initial adj.最初的,词首的, n.词首大写字母 | 51. in attempting to企图 | 52. a fraction of n.小部分,片断,分数

caps lock:大写锁定

如果密码不包含大写字母,则您需要确认"大写锁定"(Caps Lock)键已经被关闭. B、未开启小键盘如果您是在键盘右侧的小键盘区域输入数字密码,请您首先确认是否开启小键盘. 开启小键盘需要按小键盘左上角的"Num Lock"键.

all Caps:命令用来设置所有字母大写

Route Character 命令用来旋转文字. | All Caps 命令用来设置所有字母大写. | Small Caps 命令用来设置小的大写字母.

all Caps:所有字母大写

Rotate Character 旋转文字 | All Caps 所有字母大写 | Small Caps 小的大写字母