英语人>词典>汉英 : 小事 的英文翻译,例句
小事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bagatelle  ·  bawbee  ·  compartment  ·  trifle  ·  trifles  ·  fewtrils  ·  compartmented  ·  compartmenting  ·  compartments  ·  trifled  ·  bagatelles

a hill of beans · quelque chose · petty thing
更多网络例句与小事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The major issue with again large others is bagatelle, oneself again little petty thing is an important matter.


If if have so a website, can share the petty thing that produces beside oneself to perhaps know the petty thing that produces on others body, quite not good also?


Blogosphere of COSE, SEUCollege of Software Engineering, Southeast University


Be ready for every piece of minor matter , be that we do everything in one's power; Be ready for every piece of minor matter, be the most meaningful.


Actors in the not done before, I am very happy I am happy, ever free, as long as the body with enough money can the oh, raptured out, no filtration and gloom, since the actors do this, a lot of things. Whether inside or outside of the matter, whether it is major or minor issues every day I sleep well, The most important thing is peer competition, I only just beginning to do good and not to think so much, and things were less willing to, a major event trivial forced me breathless, the former Before the funerals thing again, I really had no choice I am helpless, Who can help me, no,,,, no one can help me, only of their own, of their own, and society is a social, I will also follow the evil devil step into the stuffing Well, the devil's hand has a right I deeply launched an attack I am unable to, the more I struggled, the more deep-stuffing, and now sometimes I do not know myself, I strings, I myself have been to the devil to become straight, the invisible pressure of the pressure I am hard pressed, I will leave the devil's presence near the


On this point she was soon satisfied; and two or three little circumstances occurred ere they parted which, in her anxious interpretation, denoted a recollection of Jane not untinctured by tenderness, and a wish of saying more that might lead to the mention of her, had he dared.

宾客 们临走以前,又发生了两三件小事,伊丽莎白因为爱姐心切,便认为为两三件小事足以说明彬格莱先生对吉英依然旧情难忘,而且他还想多攀谈一会儿,以便谈到吉英身上去,只可惜他胆量甚小,未敢如此。

On this point she was soon satisfied; and two or three little circumstances occurred ere they parted which, in her anxious interpretation, denoted a recollection of Jane not untinctured by tenderness, and a wish of saying more that might lead to the mention of her, had he dared.


On this point she was soon satisfied; and two or three little circumstances occurred ere they parted which, in her anxious interpretation, denoted a recollection of Jane not untinctured by tenderness, and a wish of saying more that might lead to the mention of her, had he dared.


On this point she was soon satisfied; and two or three little circumstances occurred ere they parted which, in her anxious interpretation, denoted a recollection of Jane not untinctured by tenderness, and a wish of saying more that might lead to the mention of her, had he dared.


University of Manchester researchers are investigating why some people remain calm in the face of life's niggles, while others 'flip' with little provocation.


更多网络解释与小事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a hill of beans:少量,小事

a hell of a lot of money%[]%好多钱% | a hill of beans%[]%少量,小事% | a host of guests%[]%好多来宾%

a mere bagatelle:小事一桩

a man cannot spin and weave at the same time 鱼与熊掌 不可兼得 | a mere bagatelle 小事一桩 | a mess of 大量 很多

a piece of cake:小事一桩

对于卡戴珊来说,结婚并没有像她想象的那么麻烦,相反她认为这是一件很轻松的事情--她用小事一桩(a piece of cake)来形容自己的婚后生活. "结婚让我变得成熟,以前,我从没有如此认真对待过与他的关系,不过现在,我完全投入到这之中,而且这非常简单,


bavin 柴束 | bawbee 小事 | bawcock 好汉

bawbee:半便士, 小事

Bavaria | 巴伐利亚(位于德国南部,昔时为一独立王国) | bawbee | 半便士, 小事 | bawcock | 好汉


37. lag behind 落后于 | 38. clout 权利,影响 | 39. bicker (为小事)争吵

Stop bickering:为一点小事吵什么

7. This issue is too hot to handle. 这件事很棘手. | 8. Stop bickering! 为一点小事吵什么? | 9. That's just a cloak for / cover story. 那只是个幌子.

No big deal:算不了什么,小事一桩

49.date sb. on a steady basis 作为情侣约会 | 50.no big deal算不了什么,小事一桩 | the sense of wonder 新奇感


squabble 口角 | brabble [古]为小事争吵 | lash 鞭苔

like a hen with one chicken:小题大做的, 大惊小怪的, 在小事上瞎操心

(as) fussy as a hen with one chick 在无谓的小事上瞎操心 | like a hen with one chicken 小题大做的, 大惊小怪的, 在小事上瞎操心 | (as) mad as a wet hen 非常生气