英语人>词典>汉英 : 尊严 的英文翻译,例句
尊严 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dignity  ·  reverence  ·  sanctity  ·  venerability  ·  dignities  ·  reverenced  ·  reverences  ·  reverencing  ·  sanctities

更多网络例句与尊严相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Dignity" is a concept frequently presented in bioethics. American bioethicist Ruth Macklin thought that dignity is not only unimportant in bioethics, but also can be replaced by other concept, such as respect autonomy, without any loss.


I feel that you do not have to live with some dignity, cheaters will be personality and dignity?


The third part "Wu"s selfhood ideal" tries to reveal the humanism connotation of "using Tao to fight against Shi", through the analysis of Wu"s two kinds of ideal personality-man of honour and queer bachelor. In Wu"s opinion, at the end of the feudal times, the clerisy can vindicate the dignity of culture and the selfhood of literator, only by disputing the infraction of common customs thoughts and retaining the logos spirits of clerisy. This is Wu"s rational thinking to the dilemma lot when Chinese literators couldn"t unify "Tao" and "Shi.


Such monasteries may be given in commendam, when the original commendam no longer exists on account of the resignation or death of the commendatory, only to cardinals and to qualified and well-deserving persons; and in such a way that the commendatories of the monasteries, whatever their dignity, honour and high rank may be, even if they enjoy the status and dignity of a cardinal, are obliged, if they have meals in private, apart from the common table, to assign a quarter of their board for the renewal of the fabric, or for the purchase or repair of furnishings, clothings and adornment, or for the maintenance or sustenance of the poor, as the greater need demands or suggests .

这种寺院可考虑在commendam ,当原来的commendam不再存在相应的辞职或去世的称赞,只红雀和合格和福祉值得人;并以这样一种方式,该commendatories的寺院,无论他们的尊严,荣誉和高级别可能是,即使他们享有的地位和尊严的一个基本,有责任,如果他们在私人用餐,除了常见的表,指定四分之一的局延长面料,或用於购买或修理家具,服装和装饰品,或为维护或生计的穷人,让更多需要的要求或建议。

He rapidly rose from dignity to dignity, and while engaged in the foundation of a convent in his native town, was elected provincial of the Discalced Carmelites.


Neither theologists nor organizers of religion have thought this: if you accept that God is creator then you are destroying the dignity of consciousness, freedom and love, you take away all responsibilities, and all freedom as well.


Neither theologists nor organigers of religion have thought this: if you accept that God is creator then you are destroying the dignity of consciousness, freedom and love, you take away all responsibilities, and all freedom as well.


Neither theologists nor religion founders have considered this: if you accept that God is creator, you are ruining the dignity of consciousness, freedom and love.


Neither theologists nor religion founders have considered this: ifyou accept that God is creator, you are ruining the dignity ofconsciousness, freedom and love.


Neither theologists nor organigers of religion have thought this: if you accept that God is creator then you are destroying the dignity of consciousness, freedom and love, you take away all responsibilities, and all freedom as well.


更多网络解释与尊严相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beneath or below one's dignity:有失身份;损害尊严

descent of man 人类由来 | beneath or below one's dignity 有失身份;损害尊严 | lose one's dignity 丢面子


courtling 小官员 | courtly 尊严 | courtroom 法庭


73. inevitable 不可避免的 | 74. dignified 尊严的,庄重的 | 75. indispensable 非常重要的,无可替代的


accuse 投诉 | dignify 使......有尊严 | clarify 澄清


据国外媒体报道,Circuit City清算销售折扣单显示,尽管清算销售令人沮丧,但该公司员工仍不失幽默,"尊严"(Dignity)仅打998折. 名为"finkd"的这一帐户只有14条信息,但时间跨度却长达1个月,难道在这么长的时间里就没有人注意到扎克伯格在使用Twitter?

equal dignity:同等的尊严

the wonder of telecommunications 电讯的奇迹 | equal dignity 同等的尊严 | free of outside interference 不受外来干涉

equal dignity:同等尊严

107. 停滞不前 halt | 108. 同等尊严equal dignity | 109. 突破break-through

dignity death:尊严死

受体:Programmed cell death | 尊严死:dignity death | 脑死亡:brain death


尊严: digno;majesteco | 尊严的: majesta;digna | 尊重: estimi;respekti

Keep/stand on one's dignity:保持自已的尊严

-- Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity. 她虽然很穷, 但没有失去她的尊严. | Keep/stand on one's dignity 保持自已的尊严 | pocket one's dignity [口]放下架子