英语人>词典>汉英 : 封闭性质 的英文翻译,例句
封闭性质 的英文翻译、例句


closure property
更多网络例句与封闭性质相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While the fluid flows up along relative close and wider rift system under overpressure , its nature is close to pressure conduit flow in fluid mechanics,which could be described by Bernoulli equation.


The system is characterized by three –dimensional frames, braced frames, or shear walls, forming a closed surface more or less cylindrical in nature, but of nearly any plan configuration.


The paper also proved that motivation has two important properties:upper bound property and transaction-weighted downward closure property.


The hydraulic loading system is developed and used to study the frost heaving characteristics of the subgrade soils under dynamic loading in closed system and open system . On the base of these work, the conclusions are as follows:1. Because of the the fine-grained fill, the frost deformations of Beijing-Baotou railway subgrade and Baotou-Lanzhou railway subgrade are holistically irregular, and great discrepancies exist among the frost heavings of subgrade at different sections.


The influence of high temperature and high pressure on foaming agent's properties in opened and closed system, and influence of the change of foaming agent's properties on foaming capacity and foam stabilizing capacity are also studied. The multiple regression theory is used to establish the quantitative characteristic functions of foaming agent versus temperature and pressure. Based on the Gibbs Principle, the quantitative characterization is carried out on relation of foam system's free energy versus its surface tension, surface area and concentration, and the analysis of energy concluded that the disintegration of the foam is inconvertible. At the same time, the influence of change of foam's shape and structure on distribution of reservoir temperature and pressure is qualitatively described, and the coupling mechanism between temperature field, pressure field and chemical field is systematically expounded.


The clothing of the inductive aggregation is the principle of mathematical induction.


The article summarizes the main character-istic skills for four aspects which has been shown in the Chinese government's cognition and practice about the legal system so far: the rationalism construction thought,the nationalism color, the operation pattern of "legis-lation centre-administration cooperation" and the simplism style,which have shaped an closed nature of con-structing legal system at present in an aggregation sense.


The article summarizes the main character-istic skills for four aspects which has been shown in the Chinese government's cognition and practice about the legal system so far: the rationalism construction thought, the nationalism color, the operation pattern of "legis-lation centre-administration cooperation" and the simplism style,which have shaped an closed nature of con-structing legal system at present in an aggregation sense.


When the fault throw is relatively small, the shale gouge ratio and clay smear potential are relatively large and shale smear is strong. In addition, the coal layers on both sides of the fault are mainly juxtaposed against shale. Therefore, shale smear and juxtaposition play a key role in the sealing. In contrast, when the fault throw is relatively large and shale smear is relatively weak, juxtaposition is unfavorable for sealing. However, the mylonite resulted from strong cataclasis can act as a seal of the coals. The cementation resulted from underground water activity is of great significance to the sealing ability of the fault. Mylonitic coal layers resulted from faulting occur on both sides of the fault. They are unique reservoirs with low permeability and high displacement pressure and their scales depend, to some extent, on the fault throw, fault properties, the hanging wall and footwall.


Based on the research of development characteristics of overthrust fault, its sealing mechanism is ana- lyzed. The evaluation standard and method for sealing ability of fault is established through the following two simulation experiment: one experiment is ,the quantitative relationship between property of filler in fault zone and sealing ability of fault , another experiment is the deformation characteristics of gymsum. By evaluating sealing ability of overthrust faults on several typical structure in Kuche ression,its considered that most cur- rent faults are sealed.


更多网络解释与封闭性质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


翻边(fIanging)翻边的类型 按变形的性质,翻边可分为伸长型翻边和压缩型翻边. 伸长型翻边包括:孔的翻边(图a). 沿不封闭内凹曲线进行的平面翻边(图b)和在曲面坯料..初轧(blooming)运锭车将钢锭运往初轧机

closure property:封闭性质

operation 运算,操作 | closure property 封闭性质 | addition 加法

closure property:封闭特性,封闭性质

closure plate 封板 | closure property 封闭特性,封闭性质 | closure rail 导轨



extensive property:广度性质

(1)敞开系统(open system)系统与环境之间既有能量交(2)封闭系统(closed system)系统与环境之间只有能量交(3)孤立系统(isolated system)系统与环境之间既无物质交广度性质(extensive property)又称为容量性强度性质(intensive property)这

open system:开系统

隔离系统(isolated system)或孤立系统;与环境间没有物质交换,只有能量交换的系统叫封闭系统(closed system);与环境间既有物质交换,又有能量交换的系统属于敞开系统(open system)1 热力学平衡态 经验表明:一个宏观性质在空间不均匀的隔离系统,


赛义德曾经把批评理论的性质归纳为"移动"(traveling),即批评理论如果要保持批判性,就有必要不时地"漂移",以便打破自我封闭,不断处于交流对话发展状态,防止被"物化"成资本主义的一件商品 .