英语人>词典>汉英 : 封臣领地 的英文翻译,例句
封臣领地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The royal families of Salian and Staufen appointed many imperial ministeriales as imperial offices to support them to rebuild monarchy. The political situation and economic structure in Germany in that period, namely from 11th to 12th centuries, had a deep slow change; on the political situation Germany transferred from monarchy to local governing, namely territorial states; on the other hand, the commerce resumed and new cities established, social lives were in deep changing in Germany.


He also strengthened his key vassals by awarding them land and castles in Mikawa.


更多网络解释与封臣领地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


正如这名字所道出的,主人通过授予一份财产――"领地"(fief)或者"善举"(beneficium)完成让他维持生计的义务. "领主封臣"(vasall),对领主怀有义务的仆从,这个词来自凯尔特语,其基本意义是"仆人"、"佣人".

feudally:如封建地 (副)

feudality 封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名) | feudally 如封建地 (副) | feudatory 臣属的; 受有封地的; 隶属于外国的 (形)