英语人>词典>汉英 : 对策论 的英文翻译,例句
对策论 的英文翻译、例句


game theory · theory of games
更多网络例句与对策论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides, the paper analyzes the direct reason of crime from anthropology, biology, and psychology. It also indicates that the criminological countermeasure expounded in Zhouyi is to put prevention first, then to...


It also indicates that the criminological countermeasure expounded in Zhouyi is to put prevention first, then to run a state by both law and morality. The theoretic framework of the idea is characterized with holisticity, dynamic-ness, and uniqueness of understanding.


From the perspective of asset exclusion, this paper constructs a dynamic model between supply chain partnership and its profit based on differential game theory.


For helping to understand deeply the impact of China s entering WTO on its domestic market, this paper applied the theory of game and differential technology to analyze the social effects of trade policies adjustment and horizontal mergers under different trade modes in open economy environment.

为了深入了解我国加入 WTO对国内市场的冲击,在开放经济环境中利用对策论和微分技术手段,分析了贸易政策的调整和在不同贸易模式下的横向兼并对多方经济利益的影响。

Hybrid systems ;μ calculus ; Game theory ; Zeno reachable ; Control synthesis ; Lyapunov stability ; Sliding mode ; Fault diagnosis ; Discrete event ; Mixed dynamical programming ; Optimal control ; Hybrid automata ; Petri net

国家自然科学基金;高等学校优秀青年教师教学科研奖励计划混杂系统;μ演算;对策论;季诺可达;控制综合; Lyapunov ;稳定性;滑动模;故障诊断;离散事件;混合动态规划;最优控制;混杂自;动机; Petri网

Since the number of parameters is very finite game theory is introduced to portray the discriminant in speech recognition and thus continuous loss function is unnecessary.


Game theory is main methods and tools in the article.


Finally, the formula of steganographic capacity under passive attacking or active attacking is described.(3) Under analyzing the maneuver of information hider and attacker in a steganographic system, the sets of strategy for hider and attacker is set up.


By applying game theory and contraction mapping theorem, a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in a multi-person non-cooperative game is proposed. Another implication in the sense of game theory is presented for the stability condition of supply-demand equilibrium in traditional economic theory. It can demonstrate the stability condition for supply-demand equilibrium in economic theory. So the stable supply-demand equilibrium of cobweb model in economics is in fact equivalent to the Nash equilibrium in game theory. That is a brand-new explanation for the conclusion in traditional economic theory.


The study of set games has made game theory more practicable.


更多网络解释与对策论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

game of pursuit:追逐对策

game of hex 六角形对策 | game of pursuit 追逐对策 | game theoretic 对策论

game theoretic model:对策论模型

game theoretic 对策论的 | game theoretic model 对策论模型 | game theory 对策论

game theoretic:对策论的

game of pursuit 追逐对策 | game theoretic 对策论的 | game theoretic model 对策论模型

GT Game Theory:博弈论,对策论,游戏理论

GSW Group SWitch 群组转换,用户组开关 | GT Game Theory 博弈论,对策论,游戏理论 | GT Graphics Terminal 图形终端

game with infinitely many players:无限局中人对策

game theory 对策论 | game with infinitely many players 无限局中人对策 | gamma distribution 分布

gaming simulation:对策仿真,对策模拟,博弈模拟,博奕模拟

game theory 博弈论,对策论 | gaming simulation 对策仿真,对策模拟,博弈模拟,博奕模拟 | gamma 伽马,灰度系数

G.T. graph theory:图论/game theory 对策论

science 地理学 | G.T. graph theory 图论/game theory 对策论 | G.Z. general zoology 普通动物学

theory of functions:函数论

theory of estimation 估计论 | theory of functions 函数论 | theory of games 对策论

Theory of games:对策论

theory of electromagnetic field 电磁场理论 | theory of games 对策论 | Theory of International Comity 国际礼让说

theory of hyperbolic functions:双曲函数论

theory of games 对策论 | theory of hyperbolic functions 双曲函数论 | theory of judgment 判断论