英语人>词典>汉英 : 对外援助 的英文翻译,例句
对外援助 的英文翻译、例句


external assistance
更多网络例句与对外援助相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After Cold War, the status of Foreign Aid declined in the U.S national stratagem and its fund has been decreased to a level of less than a third of that in peak. After 9.11 Events, the global stratagem of the U.S changed in a large degree and transferred its core to Antiterrorism and anti-diffusion of weapons of mass destruction. At that time, the U.S drew its attention back to the Foreign Aid, such as Political Aid, Military Aid and Economic Aid, and took it as a powerful tool in global antiterrorist stratagem.


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At the same time, it served for containment as well and is an important tool to containment strategy.


The findings, updated annually, would be used to prioritize foreign-aid programs to combat cybercrime.


Of course, China's foreign aid has its own characteristics and concepts.


Foreign aid is a product of international relations.


In the article, I apply international relations theory and international political economy knowledge to Japanese foreign aid.


Foreign Aid has always been a tool of the U.


Similar measures could make a comeback in foreign aid, which even in the best of times is used to advance domestic economic interests.


While the US was fighting two unpopular wars, Beijing expanded foreign aid, settled sensitive border conflicts in Asia and presented itself as unthreatening.


更多网络解释与对外援助相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

external diseconomy:外在的不经济

external development assistance;外来的发展援助;; | external diseconomy;外在的不经济;; | external economic expansion;对外经济扩张;;

emend:修订, 校勘

external assistance 外来援助 对外援助 | emend 修订, 校勘 | differentiating effect 辩别效应

Foreign Aid:对外援助

再以对外援助(foreign aid)为例. 中国虽然人均收入仍低,但是已经向包括非洲在内的不少国家给予援助. 此等资助不一定是无条件的. 老实说,真的无条件地帮助别人的国家不多,挪威、瑞典是比较接近的两个例子. 日本几十年来的外国援助以经济目的为主,

foreign aid policy:对外援助政策

英国外交政策:British Foreign Policy | 对外援助政策:foreign aid policy | 对外贸易政策:foreign trade policy

Department of Foreign Aid:对外援助局

进出口局Import and Export Department | 对外援助局Department of Foreign Aid | 对外经济合作局Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation


(法新社华盛顿 10日电) 前美国 总统柯林顿(BillClinton)与微软公司 创办人比尔.盖兹(Bill Gates),今天呼吁美国国会议员增加对外援助,协助世界最贫穷国家对抗爱滋病 毒(HIV)/爱滋病(AIDS)和疟疾.


他认为,援助可分为六种:人道主义的(humanitarian)、用于生计的(subsistence)、用于经济发展的(economic)、军事的(military)、为提高自身声望而 给予的(prestige)和贿赂式的(bribery)对外援助.