英语人>词典>汉英 : 对付 的英文翻译,例句
对付 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
breast  ·  breasted  ·  front  ·  go  ·  meet  ·  breasting  ·  fronting  ·  breasts  ·  fronts  ·  meets

do with · make do with sth · make sth do · to deal with
更多网络例句与对付相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adj.别致的 Still others have stocked up on such items of antiterrorist chic as flame-retardant ponchos, anthrax-antidote antibiotics and heavy-duty gas masks.


Important: During your first visit here, you'll have to fight a special kind of Archespore Coccacidium, which is a very tough monster to battle for this moment.


You use the Warp ray to attack the biggest enemy targets and to take heavily armoured building.


Against the Britons Calpurnius Agricola60 was sent; against the Chatti, Aufidius Victorinus.61 But to the Parthian war, with the consent of the senate, Marcus despatched his brother Verus, while he himself remained at Rome, where conditions demanded the presence of an emperor.


AIDS is expected to be eradicated from the world in the coming century .


Again she struggled with it, fighting him with her small, fine eyes, with the plush arrogance of a top dog, with her nascent transference to another man, with the accumulated resentment of years; she fought him with her money and her faith that her sister disliked him and was behind her now; with the thought of the new enemies he was making with his bitterness, with her quick guile against his wine-ing and dine-ing slowness, her health and beauty against his physical deterioration, her unscrupulousness against his moralities—for this inner battle she used even her weaknesses— fighting bravely and courageously with the old cans and crockery and bottles, empty receptacles of her expiated sins, outrages, mistakes.


This kind of method is permissible in dealing with the enemy, but absolutely impermissible in dealing with comrades or friends


On the pretext of dealing with rogue nations and nuclear proliferation, and defensing missile launching from Russia and China by accident, the US regards East Asia as the core of TMD arraying.


An a' speak any thing against me, I'll take him down, an a' were lustier than he is, and twenty such Jacks; and if I cannot, I'll find those that shall.


Gang up on somebody 结伙对付某人 Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us, trying t force us out of that business.


更多网络解释与对付相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

make the best of a bad job:尽力对付不利形势

make the best of a bad business 尽力把损失减到最小. | make the best of a bad job 尽力对付不利形势. | make the best of both worlds 两全其美.


game:出现gb | Ankh(十字架):对付吸血鬼 | Holy water(圣水):对付ghost


对付dealwithcopewithcountertacklemakedo | 对付飞机的antiaircraft | 对歌singinginantiphonalstyle

make do with sth:对付

make sth do 对付,应对 | make do with sth对付 | make sense有意义

make sth do:对付,应对

makev.做 | make sth do 对付,应对 | make do with sth对付

good with actresses, not so good with stonewalling presidents:对付女演员很在行 却对付不了牢不可破的总统

What's the angle? "British talk show host...|从什么角... | "good with actresses, not so good with stonewalling presidents."|对付女演员很在行 却对付不了牢不可破的总统" | That's the general idea, yeah.|是...


难读地illegibly | 难对付的ticklish | 难对付的人tartar

The white man offed them just like they did to the American Indians:白人像对付印第安人一样对付它们

This park, the last grizzly was shot in 1922.|本园最后一头灰... | The white man offed them just like they did to the American Indians...|白人像对付印第安人一样对付它们 | Alright everybody. Follow me!|各...

gang up on:[美口]联合对付(某人或某国);聚集, 会合

gang up [美口]聚集 集合 联合起来 | gang up on [美口]联合对付(某人或某国);聚集, 会合 | gang up against [美口]联合对付(某人或某国);聚集, 会合

Holy Water:(圣水):对付

Ankh(十字架):对付吸血鬼 | Holy water(圣水):对付ghost | armor铠甲