英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...吹气 的英文翻译,例句
对...吹气 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
insufflate  ·  insufflated  ·  insufflates  ·  insufflating

更多网络例句与对...吹气相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When playing, the feel of blowing is just as same as exhalation when doing the breathing exercise .


The results show that, both normal and tangential blowing are effective means of flow control, the influence of blowing on the cone-cylinder is strongest, followed by the influence of blowing on the elliptic forebody and on chine forebody.


The results show that the effect of kind and content of resin and activator is remarkable, but the effect of gassing time is not obvious.


Objective To evaluate the effects of tracheal gas insufflation on elimination of CO2 and improvement of ventilation efficiency.

目的 探讨气管内吹气对急性高碳酸血症家兔二氧化碳清除的效果及其对通气效率的改善作用。

In development of these programs under cylindrical coordinates, the singularity at the pole and transfer phenomenon across the pole were studied deeply and a numerical method which has made these programs efficient in 3D function was advanced and employed to eliminate the singularity by setting up a special mesh at the pole on the polar plane.


The two-cycle variation in side force per 360° of roll under small bleed momentum is gradually evolved to one-cycle variation under large bleed momentum.


The treating process of blowing O_2、 N_2 Ar into molten cast iron and the dynamics and thermodynamics of the blowing process are studied. The effects of gas composite, blowing intensity, blowing form and molten iron temperature on molten iron composition and casting quality are analysed. And molten pig iron of the blast furnace is blown in 3t ladle.


In order to understand the amount of the argon gas entered the mold and the distribution of argon gas in the mold when blowing argon gas through stopper or upper nozzle, the water model with 1∶1 scale was built to investigate the effects of casting speed, argon flow rate, the manner of blowing argon, nozzle port angle and other parameters on the argon gas distribution in the different wide slab casting mold.


This was because its flow velocity changed little in direction than the other one. However, the Z-like tube was a little better than the U-like tube when without blowing.


Baldrick: Yeah... and the moment Jesus got a whiff of them, he's away!


更多网络解释与对...吹气相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Auld Lang Syne:友谊天长地久

该软件和著名的风笛软件Ocarina一样,只要对著iPhone的麦克风吹气就能听到新年的号角声,按一下i键就能听到著名歌曲友谊天长地久(Auld Lang Syne)了,同时还有一个用于倒计时的计时器.

Auld Lang Syne:天长地久

该软件和著名的风笛软件Ocarina一样,只要对着iPhone的麦克风吹气就能听到新年的号角声,按一下i键就能听到著名歌曲友谊天长地久(Auld Lang Syne)了,同时还有一个用于倒计时的计时器.

The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser:警察要我对着呼吸分析器吹气

You're not blowing hard enough! 你沒有... | The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser. 警察要我對着呼吸分析器吹氣. | He drew on his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke. 他含着煙捲吸了一...


该公司开发的"陶笛"(Ocarina)是苹果应用软件商店里最具创意的娱乐软件之一. 用户只要对着iPhone麦克风吹气,同时按下触摸屏显示的孔状键位,就可以吹奏音乐、改变调子,倾斜手机还可以改变颤音的频率. 已经有超过70万用户花99美分下载了陶笛.

Black Arrow, the:黑箭 神箭 黑箭 巴德用来射杀史矛革的箭矢,孤山的矮人所锻造

Big People 大家伙 大人 大种人 哈比人对人类的称呼 | Black Arrow, the 黑箭 神箭 黑箭 巴德用来射杀史矛革的箭矢,孤山的矮人所锻造 | Black Breath 黑之吹息 黑气 黑呼吸 戒灵的呼吸