英语人>词典>汉英 : 寓意剧 的英文翻译,例句
寓意剧 的英文翻译、例句


morality play
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ABSTRACT This thesis is on the parables of Brecht which are an important part of his plays.


Part One Brecht's Theories of Epic Theatre and Parables.


Scarce two days had elapsed since the last cavalcade of this description, that of the Flemish envoys charged with the mission to conclude the marriage between the Dauphin and Margaret of Flanders, had made its entry into Paris, to the great annoyance of Monsieur the Cardinal of Bourbon, who, to please the King, had been obliged to extend a gracious reception to this boorish company of Flemish burgomasters, and entertain them in his Hotel de Bourbon with a "most pleasant morality play, drollery, and farce," while a torrent of rain drenched the splendid tapestries at his door.


In the end, the copyright duration extension story is a morality play about the dark, empty heart of copyright.


This dissertation will study the ideological implications of Wagener's Musikdrama Der Ring des Nibelungen,(will be abbreviated as the Ring),.


The bourgeoises, we shall have the honour of declaiming and performing before his Eminence Monsieur the Cardinal a very fine Morality entitled 'The Good Judgment of Our Lady the Virgin Mary.
