英语人>词典>汉英 : 寄件人 的英文翻译,例句
寄件人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sender  ·  senders

更多网络例句与寄件人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is where a message is automatically sent back to the sender requiring them to take some action for their message to actually be delivered.


Notwithstanding the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or the applicability of any other law of similar substance and effect, absent an express statement to the contrary hereinabove, this e-mail message its contents, and any attachments hereto are not intended to represent an offer or acceptance to enter into a contract and are not otherwise intended to bind the sender, Sanmina-SCI Corporation, or any other person or entity.

尽管统一电子交易法或适用的任何其他法律另有规定的同类物质及作用,没有明确的声明相反在上述,这个电子邮件讯息的内容,以及任何附于本文不打算代表要约或验收订立合约,并没有其他的用意,以约束寄件人, Sanmina - SCI公司公司,或任何其他人或实体。

E-mail headers contain an Internet Protocol address that corresponds to the sender's Internet service provider.


In case of nondelivery, return to the sender .


There was no return address, but I think the letter was from my friend who lives in the US because the postmark said Miami.


Please make sure your return address is correct.


You should contact the message sender and/or your system administrator.


It can cost the receiver more to receive it then it did for the sender to send it.


The session layer allows for the communication between sender and destination.


Sometimes the reply will not work because the sender's email address is a fake one and it will just bounce back to you as undeliverable.


更多网络解释与寄件人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


12.addressee 收件人 | 13.addresser 寄件人 | 14.advance freight 预付运费

addressograph machine:地址机

addresser;发信人;寄件人;; | addressograph machine;地址机;; | Ad Hoc Group Meetings on Industrial Project Formulation and Evaluation;特设工业项目拟订及评价小组会议;;


consignor | 委托者, 发货人, 寄件人, 交付人 | consilience | 符合, 一致 | consilient | 符合的, 一致的

Lounge Lizard:寄生虫

寄件人地址/return address | 寄生虫/lounge lizard | 寄养的孩子/nurse child

parcel post receipt:邮包收据

邮包收据(Parcel Post Receipt)是邮包运输的主要单据,它既是邮局收到寄件人的邮包所签发的凭证,也是收件人凭以提取邮件的凭证,当邮包发生损坏或灭失时,它还可以作为索赔和理赔的依据;但邮包收据不是物权凭证.

parcel post receipt:邮政收据

()15、邮政收据(Parcel Post Receipt)是邮政运输的主要单据,它既是邮局收到寄件人的邮包后所签发的凭证,也是收件人凭以提取邮件的凭证. 答:"仓至仓"条款(Warehouse to Warehouse Clause)是海运保险中规定保险责任起

post receipt:邮政收据

邮政运输的主要单证是邮政收据(Post Receipt). 邮政收据是邮政局收到寄件人的邮件后所出据的凭证,也是邮件灭失或损坏时凭以向邮政局索赔的凭证,也是收件人凭以提取邮件的凭证.



sending set:发射机

sender 寄件人 | sending set 发射机 | sendmail 发送邮件


开放邮件伺服器以供匿名第三者使用,通常被视为不负责任,大部份是因为开放式转递常常成为网际网路大量邮件寄件人的目标,这些寄件人会使用开放式转递来分送未经请求的商业电子邮件 (UCE),通常被称为电子垃圾邮件 (junkmail) 或垃圾电子邮件