- 更多网络例句与宿根的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Investigation showed that the road Tai'an City Green application of a total of 70 plants, of which 22 species of street trees, with the main species Sophora japonica, P.tomentosa, wax, paulownia, privet, few hairs; Green belt 50 kinds of plants, including Magnolia, Lagerstroemia, lobular privet, Purple BARBERRY lone, oriental arborvitae, cedar, readleaf cherry plum in vitro, pomegranates, Forsythia, Di-tang, and Rose Hosta such perennial flowers.
调查表明,泰安市道路绿化应用的植物共有70多种,其中行道树22种,主要树种有国槐、毛白杨、白蜡、泡桐、女贞、五角枫等;绿化带植物有50 多种,主要包括白玉兰、紫薇、小叶女贞、紫叶小檗、龙柏、侧柏、雪松、紫叶李、石榴、连翘、棣棠、玉簪以及月季等宿根花卉。
A North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers; important food crop of Native Americans groundnut , groundnut vine , Indian potato , potato bean , wild bean , Apios tuberosa(member-holonym) Apios , genus Apios(part-meronym) groundnut , potato bean , wild bean
The growth characters and yield component of sugarcane ratoon were studied.
By calculating the copy number of non-homologous template for QC-PCR detection of ratoon stunning disease, the standard RSD competition curve and linear regression equation were established.
Yield and quality characters from two plant crops and one ratoon crop of fourteen sugarcane varieties were investigated by factor and clustering analysis. The eleven indexes were divided into four common factors by factor analysis and cumulative variance contribution of the four factors reached 91.08%.
From 2006 to 2008,a regional trial including 12 new sugarcane varieties and 2 check varieties was conducted for 2 plant crops and 1 ratoon crop in Longan county,Guangxi.The results showed that the variety,MEX105 was superior in average sucrose yield and average sucrose content,there was a significant increase in both cane and sugar yields.
The results showed that sugarcane ratoon had the advantages of early emergence and fast growth, early maturing and longer stalk in early grinding season. The low ratoon cane yield was caused by the fewer millable canes and the shorter stalk to comparing with planting cane.
Results from two crops of plant cane and one crop of ratoon cane on five locations showed that YT96-86 was 16.95% and 6.23% higher in cane yield, and 18.73% and 5.33% higher in sugar yield than ROC10 (CK1) and ROC22 (CK2) respectively.
The genetic analysis was carried out for 8 characters on 9 energy cane parents and their 20 combination crosses with the NCII mating design. The results showed that the inheritance of stalk biomass, brix weight, available stalk numbers and weight per stalk was subject to both additive gene effect and non-additive genes effect, but mainly controlled by non-additive genes. The inheritance of plant height, stalk diameter and brix was subject to both additive gene effect. The broad sense heritability (HB2) of stalk biomass and brix was over 50%, and those of brix weight were 33.7% at the seedling stage 54.4% at its ratooning stage, respectively , which means that the selection would be done better at the early stage in the sugarcane breeding program.
Discussed that quality of sugarcane root cutting directly relate to the quality of stubble and losses of mass in harvesting.
引言 根部切割是甘蔗收获的主要工序,其质量直接关系到甘蔗收获过程中甘蔗损失和宿根的质量[1]。
- 更多网络解释与宿根的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Althaea rosea:蜀葵
此外,蜀葵(Althaea rosea)、宿根福禄考(PhLox panicuLata)可自根上发生"根蘖". 园艺上还有砍伤根部促其分生根蘖以增加繁殖系数的方法. 吸芽为一些植物根颈部或近地面叶腋自然发生的短缩、肥厚呈莲座状的短枝,其上有芽. 吸芽的下部可自然生根,
耧斗菜(Aquilegia) 别名:耧斗花、西洋耧斗菜,毛莨科耧斗属,多年生宿根性草花. 原产于欧洲、西伯利亚,也常出现在美国、日本等温带国家,有西洋耧斗菜和日本耧斗菜之别. 因为它那特殊的弧形管状物〝距〞,显得飘逸雅致,在殴洲是很受欢迎的花坛常客.
Aquilegia vulgaris:耧斗菜
漏斗花的学名是耧斗菜(Aquilegia vulgaris)为毛茛科耧斗菜属的多年生宿根草本植物. 它可以通过播种或分枝的方法进行繁殖. 播种通常在春或秋季进行,播种苗一般生长2年可以开花. 分枝通常在秋季进行. 它定植3-4年后植株生长势衰退,所以要定期复壮.
Helichrysum bracteatum:麦杆菊
本区形成的是部分喜温暖的一年生花卉、球根花卉及不耐寒宿根、木本花卉的自然分布中心,如中华石竹(Dianthus chinensis)、凤仙(Impatiens)、一串红(Salvia splensis)、半支莲(Portulaca)、矮牵牛(Petunia)、福禄考(Phlox)、天人菊(Gaillardia)、麦杆菊(Helichrysum bracteatum);中国水仙(Nar
Hosta ventricosa:紫萼
如在林下、建筑物的背面等以散射光为主的地方应选择耐阴性宿根花卉,如二月兰、玉簪(Hosta plantaginea)、紫萼(Hosta ventricosa)、一叶兰、麦冬等;在空旷地或路边应选择喜阳性宿根花卉,如大花美人蕉、沿阶草、红花酢浆草、萱草、鸢尾、一枝黄花(Solidago decurrens)等;
Phlox paniculata:宿根福禄考
此外,蜀葵(Althaea rosea)、宿根福禄考(PhLox panicuLata)可自根上发生"根蘖". 园艺上还有砍伤根部促其分生根蘖以增加繁殖系数的方法. 吸芽为一些植物根颈部或近地面叶腋自然发生的短缩、肥厚呈莲座状的短枝,其上有芽. 吸芽的下部可自然生根,
chinensis)、马蹄莲 (Zantedeschia)、唐菖蒲 (Gladiolus)及不耐寒的宿根花卉,如美女樱( Verbena)、非洲菊比如欧洲气候型与中国气候型之间有较大的差异,原产欧洲及北非和叙利亚一带的黄菖蒲 (Iris pseudacorus)在中国华东及华北一带生长也很旺盛,
口红花(Aeschynanthus)、鲸鱼花(Columnea)系苦苣苔科宿根草本,原产于马来西亚、哥斯达黎加及中、南美洲等地. 在原产地的环境中,它们常以附生性蔓藤的姿态贴附树木悬垂而下. 此类植物枝叶柔美、花色鲜艳,耐阴,适合悬挂欣赏,为吊盆植物的上选,
Mentha arvensis:薄荷
[摘要]薄荷(Mentha arvensis)为唇形科(Labiatae)薄荷属(Mentha)多年生宿根性草本植物,又名苏薄荷,仁丹草. 薄荷油是薄荷原油与薄荷素油的统称. 前者是从薄荷植株的茎、叶中提取的挥发油份,是提取薄荷脑的原料油. 后者是提取部分薄荷脑后剩余的,
Momordica grosvenori:羅漢果
罗汉果(Momordica grosvenori)是广西桂林特产的一种珍贵药食两用植物,为葫芦科多年生宿根草质藤本落叶植物,雌雄异株. 营养价值丰富,富含天然果糖及多种人体必须的微量元素、维生素、蛋白质和氨基酸,热含量极低,干果含总糖量相当于约蔗糖300倍的罗汉果甜甙.