英语人>词典>汉英 : 宽恕的 的英文翻译,例句
宽恕的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
charitable  ·  condonable  ·  remissive  ·  tolerative

更多网络例句与宽恕的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is not a matter of forgiveness.


Although forgiveness brings many benefits, particularly to the 'forgiver,' to forgive is not always easy.


Playbility and feel are the AF-Tour's strongest suits with a touch of forgiveness added in. Pure control for the professional level player but still forgiving enough for the low to even mid handicapper who wants a challenge.

Playbility和感觉是自动对焦镜头AF -巡回赛最强大的带有触摸宽恕补充英寸纯控制的专业水平的球员,但仍然不够宽恕的低,甚至差点中旬谁想要一个挑战。

I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.


It's important to understand that forgiveness is not the same as condoning the offending action, and it's OK to include self-protective plans for the future as part of your forgiveness process.


Back then it seemed a forgivably pompous title for the pompous thoughts of management gurus. Thirteen years on, it has come to be a much less forgivable name for any old fool in possession of an ego and a blog.


It is in pardoning that we are nowpardoned


But gradually, as my skill improved, I went in for much more elaborate pieces of furniture, such as sideboards with intricate carvings, dining room sets, etc.


The pale pink-white color is the color of forgiveness, and forgiveness brings about change.


It is always healthy to forgive while you can, disappointments and sadness is a part of life.


更多网络解释与宽恕的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


condominium /共同统治/ | condonable /宽恕的/赎罪的/宽恕/赎罪/ | condonation /宽恕/赎罪/

condonable:赎罪的, 宽恕的 宽恕, 赎罪

Condon | 姓氏 | condonable | 赎罪的, 宽恕的 宽恕, 赎罪 | condonation | 宽恕, 赎罪

condonable:赎罪的; 宽恕的 (形)

condominium 独立产权的公寓; 共同所有权 (名) | condonable 赎罪的; 宽恕的 (形) | condonation 宽恕; 通奸宽恕 (名)

forgivable:可宽恕的, 可原谅的 (形)

forging 锻造; 伪造; 锻件; 赝品 (名) | forgivable 可宽恕的, 可原谅的 (形) | forgive 原谅, 免除, 宽恕 (动)

inexcusable: a.1:不可原谅的,不可宽恕的 2.无法辩解的

indolence: n.懒惰,惰性,好逸恶劳,懒散 | inexcusable: a.1.不可原谅的,不可宽恕的 2.无法辩解的 | infant: n. 婴儿, 幼儿 adj. 婴儿的, 幼稚的

pardonable:可原谅的; 可赦免的; 可宽恕的 (形)

Pardon Me For Jumping In 请原谅我插嘴, 请原谅我打扰 (因特网聊天俚语), PMFJI (缩写) | pardonable 可原谅的; 可赦免的; 可宽恕的 (形) | pardonably 可原谅地; 可赦免地; 可宽恕地 (副)

仁慈的, (为)慈善事业的,宽恕的uncharitable严厉的 无情的:charitable adj

Charity 慈善,施舍 | charitable adj.仁慈的, (为)慈善事业的,宽恕的uncharitable严厉的 无情的 | clarity 清楚,透明 v.澄清, 阐明


unparalleled /独一无二/无比的/优良无比的/空前的/ | unpardonable /不可原谅的/不可宽恕的/ | unpasteurized /未灭菌的/


unsound 不健全的 | unsparing 不宽恕的 | unsparingly 不宽恕地


venal 贪污的,贪赃枉法的 | venial 可宽恕的 | vernal 春天的, 春天发生的, 和煦的, 青春的