英语人>词典>汉英 : 宽容 的英文翻译,例句
宽容 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tolerance  ·  tolerate  ·  toleration  ·  tolerated  ·  tolerates  ·  tolerating  ·  tolerances  ·  catholicity

更多网络例句与宽容相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The child's mistake, be the parent is good-tempered, make he is full of the error on self-confident; job, be a leader is good-tempered, make he feels compunctious doubly instead the mistake of; student, be a teacher is good-tempered, the force; that makes he obtains advancement actually, we each person is enjoying good-tempered happiness.


He counseled ethnic toleranceof Jews in Gentleman ' s Agreement and blacks in Mockingbird.


These, therefore, and the like, who attribute unto the faithful, religious, and orthodox, that is, in plain terms, unto themselves, any peculiar privilege or power above other mortals, in civil concernments; or who upon pretence of religion do challenge any manner of authority over such as are not associated with them in their ecclesiastical communion, I say these have no right to be tolerated by the magistrate; as neither those that will not own and teach the duty of tolerating all men in matters of mere religion.


Tolerance is tolerance of others, tolerance is the indulgence of our own.


This essay reviews the historical evolution of tolerance,the features of the moden tolerance,the cost and limit of tolerance,the relation of to leranc and jurisprudence,then affords the experience and the base of thought for the jurisprudential course of to lerance.


I Need You LeAnn Rimes I don't need a lot of things I can get by with nothing Of all the blessings life can bring I've always needed something But I've got all I want When it comes to loving you You're my only reason You're my only truth I need you like water Like breath, like rain I need you like mercy From heaven's gate There's a freedom in your arms That carries me through I need you You're the hope that moves me To courage again You're the love that rescues me When the cold winds, rage And it's so amazing 'Cause that's just how you are And I can't turn back now 'Cause you've brought me too far I need you like water Like breath, like rain I need you like mercy From heaven's gate There's a freedom in your arms That carries me through I need you Oh yes I do I need you like water Like breath, like rain I need you like mercy From heaven's gate There's a freedom in your arms That carries me through I need you Oh yes I do I need you I need you by lune THE END


One person will bear with dissent in matters of church government, but not of dogma; another can tolerate everybody, short of a Papist or an Unitarian; another, every one who believes in revealed religion; a few extend their charity a little further, but stop at the belief in a God and in a future state.


Tolerance zigzagged on the way of history, and the significance of tolerance was exposed in the multi-dimensional comparison of horizontal and longitudinal orientations.


The classical tolerance used to be dominative tolerance institution of the social life.


The modem tolerance has entered into justice and has presented the qualities of acceptance, respect and nonconnivance in the practice of justice, which makes toletance in justice reality.


更多网络解释与宽容相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be tolerant of:对...容忍(或宽容)

be sure of 确信...;确定... | be tolerant of 对...容忍(或宽容) | be true of 对...一样,对...也是真的

Be tolerant of differences:对不同的事物表示宽容

- Follow the Golden Rule 遵守黄金规律, 按原则做事 | - Be tolerant of differences 对不同的事物表示宽容 | - Use good manners, not bad language 有礼貌, 不说脏话

bear with sb:宽容某人,耐心等待某人

bear up sth 不失望 | bear with sb宽容某人,耐心等待某人 | beard n.(下巴上的)胡须

bear with:宽容;耐心等待

bear up 支持,拥护;打起精神 | bear with 宽容;耐心等待 | beat down 打倒,推翻;杀(价)


catholically /普遍地/宽大地/天主教式的/ | catholicity /普遍性/宽容/大量/ | catholicize /一般化/


baboon:狒狒 | catholicity:宽容,大量,普遍性 | sincerely:真诚地

Ox patient:丑牛(宽容牛)宽容坚韧

Rat charm 子鼠(魔力鼠)魔力四射 | Ox patient 丑牛(宽容牛)宽容坚韧 | Tiger sensitive 寅虎(敏锐虎)敏锐迅捷

Tolerance interval:宽容区间

往复方法;来回方法 to-and-fro method | 宽容区间 tolerance interval | 宽容[界]限 tolerance limit


在古典世界中,我们现代人所谓的"宽容"(Toleration)其实是无神论之反面的一种表现. 神意与崇拜的多样性乃是古典的宗教的概念所固有的,那承认它们具有有效性的东西,并不是古代信仰的宽容,而是它的虔诚的自明性的表现. 反之,

Forgiveness liberates the soul:宽容可以解放你的灵魂

Forgiveness starts here too.|宽容也从这里开... | Forgiveness liberates the soul.|宽容可以解放你的灵魂 | It removes fear. That is why it is such a powerful weapon.|消除恐惧,这就是为什么宽容是如此强大的一...