英语人>词典>汉英 : 容量分析 的英文翻译,例句
容量分析 的英文翻译、例句


measure analysis
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It is shown that our conclusions are same as Moulin's about capacity of information hiding systems without the limit of security and Moulin's result of steganographic capacity on the perfectly secure condition is the special case of ours.


A new type of point to multipoint communication system with switching capability is presented in this paper.


The mothed of quantitative analysis of silicon dioxide with silico-fluoride natrium volumetry is introduled and conditions are chosen.


The instrument is designed according to Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 edition of the capacity analysis requirements of the end-point titration.

概述 本仪器是根据中国药典2005版对容量分析永停滴定法的要求而设计的一款新颖微电脑控制的自动永停滴定仪。

This dissertation, from a system design point of view, is devoted to the essential problems of RRM in CDMA systems based on SIC, such as power control, rate allocation, call admission control and system capacity analysis under multi-path diversity fading channels.


In this paper,use the AAS,Kjeldahl,Soxhlet extraction,capacity analysis,colorimetric method,to determined the nutrition ingredient of Sansevieria trifasciata prain.


This article makes the comprehensive analysis on the organic contaminants in acid wastewater in the acetaldehyde unit by means of SPME, GC/MS, GC and volumetric analysis, and tries to find possibility of recovery of acetic acid.


A new method is proposed by combing mathematical method, and electronic computer with volumetry. In titration only the values of two points are needed.

前言 容量分析法是一种准确、可靠,应用广泛的定量分析方法,因而在化学分析发展过程中它一直占着重要的地位。

The experimental techniques include SCTA, X-ray diffraction and nitrogen adsorption volumetry at 77 K.

实验技术包括在77 K下的控制样品热分析,X射线衍射和氮吸附容量分析

Water samples were eollected from the lakes in East plain, Yungui plateau and Mengxing plateau since 1993. Mineralized degree were analyzed using volumetry and flame photometry.


更多网络解释与容量分析相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

volumetric analysis:容量分析法

因为这类方法是以测量标准溶液的容积为基础的方法,故也称为"容量分析法"(volumetric analysis). 滴定分析法具有快速准确,操作简便,仪器要求低的特点,相对误差一般在0.2%以下,目前仍然是广泛应用的定量分析方法.

volumetric analysis:容量分析

volumetric 体积的 | volumetric analysis 容量分析 | volumetric efficiency 容积效率

volumetric analysis flask:容量分析烧瓶

volumeter 容积计,容量计 | volumetric analysis flask 容量分析烧瓶 | volumetric flask 容量瓶

gas volumetric analysis:气体容量分析

gas warfare agent 毒气战剂 | gas volumetric analysis 气体容量分析 | gas turbine 气体涡轮机

volumetric analysis test:容量分析试验

volumetric analysis 容积分析,容量分析,容量分析法,滴定分析,体积分析,体积分析法 | volumetric analysis test 容量分析试验 | volumetric apparatus 容量分析仪器,容量器皿,容量仪器,测容量仪器

error in volumetric analysis:容量分析误差

equivalence point 等当点 | error in volumetric analysis 容量分析误差 | excitation spectrum 激发光谱


volumetrically weighted pressure 体积加权平均压力 | volumetry 容量分析 | voluminal compressibility 体积压缩性

microvolumetric analysis:微量容量分析

microwave 微波 | microvolumetric analysis 微量容量分析 | microvoltammetric electrode 微伏安电极

polarographic analysis:极谱分析法

库仑分析法(coulometry),电位法(potentiometry) ,伏安法(voltammetry)和极谱分析法(polarographic analysis)等,均属于这种类型.第二类是利用电参数的变化来指示容量分析终点的方法.这类方法仍然以容量分析为基础,

titrimetric analysis:滴定分析,容量分析

titration of total acidity 总酸度测定 | titrimetric analysis 滴定分析,容量分析 | TJ, junction temperature 接合温度