英语人>词典>汉英 : 害羞地 的英文翻译,例句
害羞地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
coyly  ·  shyly

更多网络例句与害羞地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you want him to be gentle, you can push him away and tell him bashfully that you want him to take his


You want him to be gentle, you can push him away and tell him bashfully that you want him to takehis time.5.热烈的goodbye kiss, Violent goodbye kiss


Jesse Livermore had little to be ashamed of when he registered his Anita with Lloyd's, and mounted the red-white-and-blue burgee of the Columbia Yacht Club on her noble bow.


The boy thought for a while and said coyly,"I washed my feet last night."


She ''.'pouted'.'' and looked at him coyly.


Of his newfound fame, the sweet-faced Bieber look-alike coyly admitted that girls at his school have started paying more attention to him:"Let's just say I've gotten a couple of numbers and made some new friends."


Bucks center Andrew Bogut was asked about the play after practice today, and he played it coyly.


Advise us keep secrete and do not let his wife know, otherwise, he will stepinto tragedy because his wife will punch him. We often ask payola at this timeby stare at his purse on the table humorously, he protects his purse hastily andburbles that he is a poor man with no money currently, liking one of our Chinese


I'm shyly sipping water … while he drinks whole jugs of wine.


Of his newfound fame, the sweet-faced Bieber look-alike coyly admitted that girls at his school have started paying more attention to him:"Let's just say I've gotten a couple of numbers and made some new friends."


更多网络解释与害羞地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bashful /害羞的/内向的/怕羞的/见/怕羞/腆/羞/ | bashfully /害羞地/内向地/ | bashfulness /害羞/内向/臊/


coy 腼腆的 | coyly 害羞地 | coyness 怕羞

coyly:害羞地, 羞怯地

coydog | 科伊狗(丛林狼和野狗的杂交后代) | coyly | 害羞地, 羞怯地 | coyness | 怕羞, 羞怯

coyly:害羞地; 隐蔽地; 羞怯地 (副)

coy 腼腆的, 羞怯的, 怕羞的 (形) | coyly 害羞地; 隐蔽地; 羞怯地 (副) | coyness 怕羞; 隐蔽; 羞怯; 忸怩作态 (名)

coyly coylyadv:害羞地, 羞怯地

anxious adj.观念的, 担忧的, 渴望的, 盼望的 | coyly coylyadv.害羞地, 羞怯地 | overlapping 重叠, 搭接

decently ad. not causing shame or shock to others:不使别人感到害羞地;不使别人感到震惊地

credit n. honour, approval; trust; public attention 荣誉,赞成,相信,信... | decently ad. not causing shame or shock to others 不使别人感到害羞地;不使别人感到震惊地 | deduction n. amount taken away 扣除量...


shamefaced /害羞的/谦逊的/不惹眼的/羞耻的/ | shamefacedly /害羞地/害羞着/ | shamefully /可耻地/不名誉地/


shy 怕羞的 | shyly 害羞地 | shyness 羞怯

shyly shylyadv:害羞地胆怯地

drummer n.鼓手, 旅行推销员 | shyly shylyadv.害羞地胆怯地 | tend vi.趋向, 往往是vt.照管, 护理


shilly-shally /犹豫不决/游手好闲/犹豫不决的/犹豫不决地/ | shily /害羞地/胆怯地/ | shim /蟾/