英语人>词典>汉英 : 宣布放弃 的英文翻译,例句
宣布放弃 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
recant  ·  recanted  ·  recanting  ·  recants

更多网络例句与宣布放弃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the death of his uncle, Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha , on 22 August 1893 , the vacant Duchy fell to the Duke of Edinburgh, since his elder brother the Prince of Wales had renounced his right to the succession.

在他的叔叔恩斯特二世萨克森公爵科堡哥达于8月22日 1893年,空置公国倒在爱丁堡公爵,死亡,已经因为他的哥哥在威尔士亲王宣布放弃继承权。

US Republican Senator Judd Gregg withdrew Thursday as the nominee for Secretary of Commerce, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the Obama administration over its economic stimulus plan.


But Viti rios is capricious, and do not have a strong willingness to retire, he publicly announced his own soldiers to give up the throne, the soldiers clamor protest, firm support for his power.


Editorials would demand that he either recant or retire from public life.


That was important, because unless the IRA renounced violence and Sinn Fein became a part of the peace process, the Irish problem could not be resolved.


The Air Force declares Project Bluebook abandoned "out of lack of interest".


The pacifism of its electorally ruinous 1983 manifesto was renounced at every turn.


There are critics on the backbenches and some junior ministers have quit, grumbling about Mr Brown's uncollegiate style.


Last time when we chat, it is Microsoft announces to abandon buying Yahoo.


She recanted her faith and ''.


更多网络解释与宣布放弃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Countrywide Financial:国家金融服务

北京时间5月6日凌晨6时(美国东部时间5月5日晚5时)消息,微软周六宣布放弃收购雅虎;且有分析师表示,美国银行(Bank of America)应放弃并购美国国家金融服务(Countrywide Financial)公司.


reclaim 重新汗回来,开垦,回收 | disclaim 放弃权利,拒绝承认 | 总统宣布国家成立 proclaim

encroach : jealousy:蚕食 : 嫉妒 蚕食不一定是嫉妒,可能饿了,呵

renounce : mistrust 宣布放弃:不信任 宣布放弃只能表明放弃的想法 | encroach : jealousy 蚕食 : 嫉妒 蚕食不一定是嫉妒,可能饿了,呵 | demur : objection 反对 : 反对 反对表明我内心反对


邓肯16分12篮板,芬利(Finley)得到20分和8个篮板,邦纳10分10篮板. 其他:马刺周五宣布放弃华盛顿(Darius Washington),签入郎福德(Keith Langford)......马刺全场28罚20中,猛龙只有14罚11中......由于吉诺比利正和布伦特-巴里(Brent Barry)一起养伤,

Not for sale:非卖品

专柜价:600元,专柜的试用装,注意看图片,产品后面有个非卖品(NOT FOR SALE)标签. 美国太空总署(NASA)火箭燃料师Max Huber博士在一次爆炸实验事故中面部严重灼伤,连医师都宣布放弃. 可是他决心自救,经过12年6000多个实验,

I hereby abdicate:我在此宣布放弃

...with whom I have today consulted...|以及今天我所谘询过的相关人员 | ...I hereby abdicate...|我在此宣布放弃... | ...all authority and control over this planet...|我所有的权力 以及地球的控制权

Lindsey Hunter:林奇-亨特

公牛队于今天宣布,球队已经正式聘用了林奇-亨特(Lindsey Hunter)出任球队球员发展助理..虽然在不久前刚刚被公牛宣布放弃,但老将林奇-亨特(Lindsey Hunter)在公牛队的位置并没..据报道,

and then someone announces listlessly that he loves life no more:于是就有人 低迷的宣布不再热爱生命

为什么世界如此完美 运转得无懈可击 why is the world so ... | 于是就有人 低迷的宣布不再热爱生命 and then someone announces listlessly that he loves life no more | 放弃从内部的延伸中获释后 quits and then ...

renounce : mistrust:宣布放弃:不信任 宣布放弃只能表明放弃的想法

defer : ignorance 推迟:无知 推迟不能表达内心的无知 | renounce : mistrust 宣布放弃:不信任 宣布放弃只能表明放弃的想法 | encroach : jealousy 蚕食 : 嫉妒 蚕食不一定是嫉妒,可能饿了,呵


Denounce:指责,揭发 | Renounce:宣布放弃,抛弃 | Delude:欺骗