英语人>词典>汉英 : 宣传单 的英文翻译,例句
宣传单 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与宣传单相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The image materials: giving the infrared voice recording can be repeated advertising is 1, waiter, advertisement apron rotating three stage lighting, zero zero listing 1 piece, artistic image 2 meters long horizon of coffee ZhanPai a 1, 4, coffee image lanterns 3 meters long outdoor cloth, electronic ChuanDeng banners 1 of 1, 100 pieces zero advertising posters, balloon 100, note: apron and banners materials according to requirements of each cup 3 yuan or custom 5 yuan.

赠送的形象宣传品:可重复录音的红外线语音广告器1台、服务员广告围裙2条、旋转三面吧台零点灯箱 1 台、零点形象艺术挂牌1块、 2米长零点咖啡灯箱片展牌一个1张、零点咖啡形象灯笼4个、 3米长室外布横幅1条、电子串灯1串、价格宣传单100张、零点广告气球100个、注:围裙和条幅宣传品可根据需要定制每杯3元或5元的。

And in the brochure there are a lot of pretty girls.


Of particular note are those policies pertaining to Rotary mark and emblem usage and those prohibiting circularization (see chapter 10 for more information on Rotary Marks).


He's going to mail these advertising circulars third-class .


I saw your ad in a flier.


A piece of small announce handbill did not make any impacts to their shop, and my advertisement and the goods that they sell do not have any conflict, then they promised very quickly to come down.


The cheap card that does not want money, just like the announce handbill that sends out on big market, can be you cherished, even a few times can you look more?


Imprint the handbill every pieces of 1 horn, 10 thousand pieces are 1000 yuan


You can request a free copy of the leaflet.


This is part of page 9 of the pamphlet, improving sanitary governance.


更多网络解释与宣传单相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


打计(Graphic Design) ,名片(Business Card)、宣传单(Flyer)、宣传册(Brochure)、海报(Poster)、月历(Calendar)等印刷业务价格优惠,服务一流!无需您东奔西跑,电话或Email搞定. 华人营业代表吴业宏(Robert Wu)先生为您提供贴心周到的服务.

business card:名片

打计(Graphic Design) ,名片(Business Card)、宣传单(Flyer)、宣传册(Brochure)、海报(Poster)、月历(Calendar)等印刷业务价格优惠,服务一流!无需您东奔西跑,电话或Email搞定. 华人营业代表吴业宏(Robert Wu)先生为您提供贴心周到的服务.

Fact Sheet Template:酒店设施宣传单

Message While Out外出留言卡 | Fact Sheet Template酒店设施宣传单 | Pre-opening Image Ad开业前形象广告

leaflet and handout:广告宣传单

抢得市场先机 compete for the share of market | 广告宣传单 leaflet and handout | 鼓吹不正确的消费观念 advocate incorrect ways of consumtion

Outdoor Advertising:楼书、户型图、宣传单页、手提袋、户外广告

售楼部包装设计/ Sales of packaging design | 楼书、户型图、宣传单页、手提袋、户外广告/ Building book, family, flyer, handbag, outdoor advertising | 品牌形象整体策略 / Brand Tactic

poles apart:势不两立

336. 广告宣传单 leaflets and handouts | 337. 势不两立 poles apart | 338. 上网冲浪 surf on the internet

They have ads for all sorts of raves:所有狂野派对都有广告的

The free papers, yeah.|免费宣传单 | They have ads for all sorts of raves.|所有狂野派对都有广告的 | Bobby?|波比?

leaflets and handouts:广告宣传单

335. 形成不良的生活习气 be tempted into an unhealthy lifestyle | 336. 广告宣传单 leaflets and handouts | 337. 势不两立 poles apart