英语人>词典>汉英 : 审定的 的英文翻译,例句
审定的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与审定的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The duty- paying value of an export item shall be its normal FOB price, which shall Be approved By the Customs, minus the export duty"


Sell a data at reduced prices: The index is divided into group according to kind , is summed up as , assembles to diversity, curtate concrete method is: Height , weight , chest measurement , pulse , systolic pressure , the diastolic pressure index are divided into group according to age , sex , the sight index is not divided into group then according to the grade , the eye, eight indices and data that the at last examines and approves, handle by that 180 P calculators secretly scheme against, get the corresponding statistics blip.


Result Twenty-nine summer maize hybrids released for commercial production in Shandong province were divided into three types: high-test weight, medium-test weight type and low-test weight type.


Korea government expresses outcry to JapanThis authorized schoolbook includes text book of middle school history inside in all textbook......


This study were made the field investigation,identification and analysis of 5 commonly used maize inbred lines in china,self-chosen stability lines and new hybrid to maize red spider.


Two-thirds of the released varieties with erect panicles have genes from Italian old varieties Balilla. They all have a close relationship with Liaojing 5 vulnerable to diseases and pests on a large scale


Growth characteristics and their correlation with yield for 10 varieties of Medicago sativa were evaluated from 1999 to 2002 under space sowing at Lanzhou, China.


Researchers took the lead in making studies on onion and pepper male sterile line utilization, heterosis utilization and resistance breeding in solanaceous and cruciferous vegetables, watermelon and melon.


This is handled similarly to a restaurant and should be audited in the same manner.


Four case histories of steam and gas turbine components degradation identified during operation and verified during overhaul are presented.


更多网络解释与审定的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



accreditation body:审定团体

可某组织有资格对属电气及电子产品类别的电气产品进行测试或特定种类的测试;"审定团体"(accreditation body) 指任何执行和实施某个审定制度、给予审定并已与香港实验所认可计划的执行人员或香港认可处的执行人员订立互相认可的协议的团体;

ad valorem duty:从价税

从价税(ad valorem duty)是以货物价格作为征收标准的关税. 从价税的税率表现为货物价格的百分值. 从价税的计算公式为:征收从价税的一个重要问题是确定进口商品的完税价格(dutiable value).所谓完税价格,是指经海关审定的作为计征关税依据的货物价格,

prequalified consortium:经预先审定资格的财团

prequalification 预先审定资格 | prequalified consortium 经预先审定资格的财团 | prequalified tenderer 经预先审定资格的投标者

Dutiable Value:完税价格

从价税的计算公式为:征收从价税的一个重要问题是确定进口商品的完税价格(dutiable value).所谓完税价格,是指经海关审定的作为计征关税依据的货物价格,货物按此价格照章征税.


需要指出的是,美国此次公开的是国防部管辖的库存(stockpile)核武器数量,而不是一些媒体错误报道的"现役"或"部署"核武器数量. 国内的一些报道错误有些是理解错误,有些则属于翻译错误. 笔者这里采用的是由中美核安全术语编委会审定的>(原子能出版社,

prequalified tenderer:经预先审定资格的投标者

prequalified consortium 经预先审定资格的财团 | prequalified tenderer 经预先审定资格的投标者 | prequalified tendering 资格预审投标方式


prepayment 预付款项 | prequalification 预先审定资格 | prequalified consortium 经预先审定资格的财团

authorize a requestion:批准申请

He was authorized to issue the following statements.他被授权发表下列申明. | authorize a requestion批准申请. | authorized.adj.公认的认可的.审定的.

Audited vouchers:已审查的凭单

audited financial statement 已审定的财务报表 | audited vouchers 已审查的凭单 | auditing inspection 税务稽核