英语人>词典>汉英 : 实际情况如何 的英文翻译,例句
实际情况如何 的英文翻译、例句


how matters stand · how things stand
更多网络例句与实际情况如何相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper will use bank marketing theory and practical analysis and study how to improve Zheshang bank marketing management system.


So, it is of realistic significance and far-off influence to enhance the financial control of the corporational groups in China.


What we have considered is only to estimate the situation of globalization with the combination of the Chinese situation and feature, then from the Chinese reality and benefit point of view to make a set of development strategy and countermeasure participate correctively in the process of globalization.


At first, the contribution analyzes the formula of assets price and the relation between default probability and assets price of the enterprise; then discusses the pricing of bond, based on all kinds of default situations; shows concrete solution of the pricing; calibrates the model according to the actual situation; and indicates how to calculate the value of coupon bond in the financial market with an example.


But I was intensely curious to know what it was actually like.


He therefore has had to speculate on what the real situations might have been.


There are many points of agreement between Mark Medish and me: that Brand America once shone brightly around the world; that America can recover from its current travails and that Americans believe that Brand America can shine again.

没有切合实际情况进行描述,尤其如何处理医疗经济军事和外交等人们关注的问题也没有给出明确的答案,文章将要结尾时才提到了 change ,但是却没有解释如何改变和从哪改变。

This article will be at the Pearl River Delta region to study the furniture industry examples, based on the Pearl River Delta region with the current state of development of furniture industry and the existence of the problem, explained the significance of changes; re-focus on enterprises in the transformation of human resources encountered resistance analysis of human resources to further explore the causes of resistance, as well as its constituent elements, types and so on, sort of human resources and change the relationship between resistance; from now on how to eliminate society resistance in human resources, in combination with the actual situation in the Pearl River Delta furniture enterprises to explore the how to effectively eliminate the resistance of human resources, I hope to be able to promote the implementation of change, achieve sustainable development of enterprises to mention some of the basic reference for countermeasures.


In order to make it clearer a detailed research of some world-known shipping companies is made, in additional to a lot of data information used.


The results of our numerical simulation show that the numerical method applied in our paper is practical, the calculation results match the actual situation properly; the digital images from numerical simulation possess a positive significance in understanding and improving the heat flow distribution of the meat dry kiln. The proposed method provides a feasible approach to analyze and improve the flow field of meat dry kiln with numerical simulation.


更多网络解释与实际情况如何相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cost accounting:成本计算

成本计算(Cost Accounting) 成本计算,就是对实际发生各种费用的信息进行处理. 我们计算成本,总是计算某个具体对象的成本. 而企业规模有大有小,经营性质和项目各不相同,因而如何组织成本的计算,如何确定成本计算对象,只能具体问题具体分析,依实际情况

How are things:[口]近况如何

have this thing about 对...特别感兴趣; 特别向往[爱好] 对...感到莫明其妙的恐惧或厌恶 | How are things? [口]近况如何? | how things stand 实际情况如何

shi ji:实际

因而,如何找到适合企业实际(shi ji)情况的建网站公司劳尤为重要. 木兰设计认为,企业 ...企业必不可少的型象宣传途蓝,其中大多数都无法自行完成网站设计,需要外包给合适的网站建设公 司进行网站制作和网络推广. 因而,


液面晃动(sloshing)问题的研究在实际工程中有重要的意义,比如在石化工业中广泛应用的大型储罐,一般直径在几十米,甚至上百米. 在地震或其他意外条件下液面的波动情况如何,是否存在安全隐患,都需要进行数值模拟研究.