英语人>词典>汉英 : 实质 的英文翻译,例句
实质 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
essence  ·  parenchyma  ·  quiddity  ·  substance  ·  Virtuality  ·  what  ·  quiddities  ·  essences  ·  substances  ·  virtuality

更多网络例句与实质相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The so-called paradox of material implication is not actually that odd since it is caused by some kind of misunderstanding when people require material implication expressions not only the truth properties but contents and meanings as well in conditions.


"Logicians distinguish two main types of implication, material and strict. Proposition p materially implies proposition q if and only if the material conditional p q (read "if p then q") is true"


In such case, different people have different understanding. According to the doctrine of social equality, only the action, which "surpasses" the society, could be confirmed as illegal.The appearance of supra-law ground for elimination of misfeasance is the natural results of substantive illegality.


The survey and statistic results of factors that affect community centers'' using according to physical and unphysical environment factors reveals: in the part of phy-sical factors have location and roads forward; another part have mothers'' classroom set, administrator provide, and the members of community asso-ciation.


objective to evaluate the role of mr perfusion weighted imaging in preoperation diagnosis of meningiomas.methods mr perfusion weighted images was performed in 47 patients with meningiomas followed by conventional imaging.results the mean rcbv values of angioblastic was the highest in the parenchyma of tumor.the mean rcbv values of malignant group was the lowest.the biggest mean rcbv values among different type meningiomas was statistically significant.the biggest mean rcbv values between benign and malignant group meningiomas was statistically significant,but not in the peri-tumor edema.conclusion the rcbv values were useful in the preoperative differentiation diagnosis of different types of meningiomas.those in the peri-tumor edema were useless in the preoperative differentiation diagnosis of different types of meningiomas.

目的 探讨磁共振灌注成像技术对脑膜瘤术前分型及良恶性鉴别的临床应用价值。方法对47例脑膜瘤病人行mr灌注成像检查,对5种亚型的良性脑膜瘤的mr灌注成像进行分析,并与非典型性及恶性脑膜瘤进行比较。结果血管瘤型脑膜瘤实质部分的rcbv值均数最高,恶性组脑膜瘤的rcbv值均数最低。各亚型间瘤体实质最大rcbv值均数间差异有统计学意义(p<0.05),良恶性脑膜瘤实质部分最大rcbv值均数间差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。瘤周水肿区的rcbv值均数间差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)。结论 rcbv值对脑膜瘤术前分型及良恶性鉴别有所帮助,而瘤周水肿区的rcbv值对脑膜瘤分型及良恶性鉴别未显示临床实用价值。

The diffusive XGPN shows cystic-solid multi-occupying with the whole kidney involved and kidney renal pelvis and calices enlarged. The lesions were extensive with unclear border which made the perirenal space dim renal fasciae thicken and with the abscess formation of psoas and abdominal wall. The localized XGPN shows mass in the renal parenchyma with low density clear border after enhancement and rim enhancement.


In the judicial sphere, the principle of rule of law decides the priority of formal rationality, that is, in the judicial process, when the substantive rationality of the case decision and the formal rationality of the law itself can both be achieved, the judicator should equally fulfill them; but when the substantive rationality and ormal rationality contradicts and excludes each ...


In the judicial sphere,the principle of rule of law decides the priority of formal rationality,that is,in the judicial process,when the substantive rationality of the case decision and the formal rationality of the law itself can both be achieved,the judicator should equally fulfill them;but when the substantive rationality and oral rationality contradicts and excludes each other,the judicator should principally take the formal rationality as priority and exceptionally sacrifice it.


Concerning the management of the government, Locke's ruled by law and Rawls's ruled by law exist a logical development. 4, Concerning the justice, Locke believes the justice of personal right, Mill believes the utilitarianist justice, Rawls believes the pure procedural justice.


Therefore should pay attention to provide the substantial product of the quality goods at reasonable prices toward the children, can't presumptive guest usurps the role host because of excessively pursuing attention of draw on the child, neglect own substantial product.

因此 ,应注重向孩子们提供货真价实的实质产品,货真价实的实质产品,不能因为过分追求吸引儿童的注意力而喧宾夺主,忽视了自吸引儿童的注意力而喧宾夺主,己的实质产品。己的实质产品。

更多网络解释与实质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

get down to brass tacks:讨论实质问题,认真考虑实质问题

1. Get down to brass tacks: 讨论实质问题,认真考虑实质问题 | 2. Get to the bottom of: 弄清真相 | 3. At one time: 同时,曾经

material discipline:实质训练

实用主义|pragmatism | 实质训练|material discipline | 实质陶冶|material culture

material discipline:实质练习

实用主义 pragmatism | 实质练习 material discipline | 实质陶冶 material culture

in essence:实质上,本质上,根本上

249 in effect (实质上,实际上)它在句中一般不需要用逗号隔开; | 250 in essence实质上,本质上,根本上 | 251 in fact实际上

Material injury:实质损害

而对于什么是"市场扰乱",根据>第16.4条的规定,则主要是按"实质损害"(material injury)或"实质损害威胁"的概念来判断的. 这一概念在字面上与>(即通常所说的>)中所使用的实质损害

Real Interest Rate:实质利率

利率,可分为实质利率(real interest rate)和名义利率(nominal interest rate). 实质利率是撇除通胀数字后的利率,能真实反映实质购买力的增长;而名义利率属於银行或存户收取或付出的息率,并未有撇除通胀数字.

real national income:实质国民所得

实质利率 real interest rate | 实质国民所得 real national income | 实质工资指数 real wage index


肿瘤的实质(parenchyma) 是肿瘤细胞的总称,是肿瘤的主要成分. 肿瘤的生物学性质以及每种肿瘤的特殊性主要是由肿瘤的实质决定的. 人体几乎所有组织都可以发生肿瘤,因此肿瘤实质的形态也是多种多样的.

vaporous, substantial:无实质的, 实质上的

GRE历年真题反义词词汇荟萃:V字头 | vaporous, substantial无实质的, 实质上的 | vaunt, deprecate 吹嘘, 藐视


实质;柔组织(植) parenchyma | 实质的 parenchymatous | 实质软骨 parenchymatous cartilage