英语人>词典>汉英 : 实物交易 的英文翻译,例句
实物交易 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
barter  ·  bartered  ·  bartering  ·  barters

更多网络例句与实物交易相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The viewpoint thinks, collect tax to fictitious belongings, be regarded as all the time before imply " gray region " fictitious belongings individual trades under the counter by normalization, be in time and again before this National People's Congress by " submit a written statement to a higher authority " give to fictitious belongings legislation approbatory asks hopeful gets coming true.


In promotion the respect cleans out wisdom net very be good at using media conduct propaganda, a canorous cleans out treasure on catchword barter, wisdom trades on naughty wisdom let father Gong Bing gain the opportunity that appear again and again.


It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared--the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coal or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools.


On the one hand, the feature of non-human capital transaction is fictitious. The market transaction of non-human capital has evolved fictitiously from the market transaction of material object to the market transaction of the bond, stock, and options.


The auctions will involve "cash settlement", rather than a physical exchange of the underlying bonds, which is needed because the value of swaps far exceeds the face value of those bonds.


Trading Desk, subject to the terms of this Agreement, including the Annexes hereto and the Customer Account Application, including any applicable addenda thereto.


With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part of China.


With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part of China.


With a background of heated gold investment, most new passionate investors came into the market without simply understanding the gold investment. This made many investors lost their capital when first stepped into the market. In addition, many gold exchange types are specialized in enlarging guarantee sum. Compared with investment in stock market, investors who invested in types characterized in enlarging guarantee sum would likely to face more risks and challenges. Those risks could enlarge investors' one-year loss in stock market to one-day loss in gold market. Nowadays, Chinese gold market can be differentiated into material gold market, paper gold market, in-stock gold and future gold market. Because of the enlarging system in international gold market, investors may lose to the bottom in one day if he or she chose a guarantee sum dealer with an highly enlarging system. Of course, this is an ultimate example. In gold market, the type with the least risk is material gold, such as gold memorative silver coin, material piece of gold and gold brick. Material gold investment enjoyed its popularity among middle or large cities located in the middle and eastern part ofChina.


The person that knows the network trades is clear, the sale on the net is different from hypostatic sale, the to commodity sense that offers on the net has a picture only, and no matter picture whether true reaction objective, I examined diamond birdie trade record, its with respect to the picture because of commodity and objective difference was given difference to judge.


更多网络解释与实物交易相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

barter away:廉价出售/吃亏交换

barter /物物交换/实物交易/交换/ | barter away /廉价出售/吃亏交换/ | barter for /以...作物物交换/

Barter transaction:易货交易,实物交易

Bargain成交,交易 | Barter transaction 易货交易,实物交易 | Batch 一批

BCG Grow-Share Matrix:波士顿增长

barter 实物交易 | basic physical needs 基本生理需要 | BCG Grow-Share Matrix 波士顿增长

clearing house:清算所

(三)清算所 期货交易中的清算所(Clearing House)是专门负责期货合约的结算、保证金的收取、主持实物交割等工作,以保证期货交易顺利进行的机构. 套期保值者(Hedger)一般为实际商品的经营者、加工者和生产者. 他们的主要目的是在现货市场上进行实际货物的买卖,

financial futures:期货

作品简介:勒口: 金融期货(Financial Futures)指以金融工具为标的物的期货合约. 金融期货作为期货交易中的一种,具有期货交易的一般特点,但与商品期货相比较,其合约标的物不是实物商品,而是传统的金融商品,如证券;货币、汇率,利率等. 封底: 所谓金

physical assets:实物资产

ce)指的是商务活动中的生产企业之间所形成的在某种程度上以数字方式进行交互式商业活动的市场A数字资产(Digital Assets)不像实物资产(Physical Assets)在消费中并没有被消费掉.创造数字资产的企业可以在无数次的交易中重复地收取回报,

postage stamp method:邮票法

physical power trading 电力实物交易 | postage stamp method 邮票法 | power flow tracing method 潮流跟踪法

physical scrip:实物股票

physical price 现货价 | physical scrip 实物股票 | pit 交易圈;交易场


消费税分以下三类:1.增值税(TVA)这是法国最主要的消费税,也是国家财政收入中比重最大的税收. 增值税是指在商业流通领域中,对各种商业交易按特定比例征收的税. 这种商业交易可以是实物的(如商品交易),

Barter economy:物物交易經濟

Barter 实物交易;以物易物 | Barter economy 物物交易经济 | Barter system 物物交易制度