英语人>词典>汉英 : 宝贵的 的英文翻译,例句
宝贵的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
precious  ·  valuable  ·  valued

更多网络例句与宝贵的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has revealed it in the sonnets where there is Will in overplus.


The resin of this tree is what is most valuable and is retrieved in the same fashion that one collects the valuable properties from a rubber tree by tapping into it.


Land is a precious resource, the front line sea view and it is the scarcity of valuable resources, its development must take into account the use of sustainable development issues, not a quick profit.


We want to buy Precious and Semi Precious Stones, Jewelry


Tibet has also been active in saving, searching and collating the classical literature of Tibetan medicines, and now it has compiled, written and published several copies of precious influential literature, including the Expatiations on Four Medical Classics, the Colorful Thang-ga Serial Wall Maps for Four Medical Classics, the Encyclopedic Book of Astronomy and Calendric Calculations, the Brilliant Mirrors of Ganlu Herbs, the Chinese Herbs-Volume of Tibetan Medicines. By doing so, it has saved precious cultural heritage for the future generations of Tibetan people.


The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land, and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture.


No matter enterprises or the school, the human resources are the most valuable , and the salary administrative system is the valuable tool in the ma ower resources management.


Bob Dozier自己的话说就是: I find that I would much rather make basic hunting knives from the highest quality tool steels at very reasonable prices, for people who will use them, than spend expensive time hand rubbing a finish for collectors.

大意是:我发现我宁愿在合理的价格内用最好的工具钢来为要使用它们的人们做一般的猎刀,也不愿为收藏者花费宝贵的时间来做手工打磨。我想,这大概就是 Bob Dozier 刀子的全部内涵了。

By reconditioning instead of replacing your damaged bumper, you save precious natural resources along with your valuable time and money.


In this heroic fight against the disaster, we accumulated precious experience in emergency response and disaster relief as well as obtained many enlightenments.


更多网络解释与宝贵的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the apple of one's eye:眼珠子:比喻最珍爱的人或最宝贵的东西

椽儿亮:识时务、会做人,会办事. Thoughtful and considerate | 眼珠子:比喻最珍爱的人或最宝贵的东西. The apple of one's eye | Z 坐地炮:性情蛮横而惯常谩骂打架的中年妇女. Virago

the Precious Lamb of God:这神的宝贵的羔羊

I can finish this race 我能结束这比赛 (注:比赛我的理解:在罪中争扎,胜过罪的比赛?) | the Precious Lamb of God 这神的宝贵的羔羊 | Even when I broke Your heart 甚至 当我心碎的时候

A treasure of sorts:而且是很宝贵的东西

Welcome to the second task.|欢迎来观看第二个任务 | A treasure of sorts.|而且是很宝贵的东西 | These four treasures, one for each champion...|4位参赛者每人 都有一样宝贵的东西

Your precious, scrawny little neck:你的宝贵的、比纸还薄的小命

Your neck.|你的性命 | Your precious, scrawny little neck!|你的宝贵的、比纸还薄的小命 | You're crazy! You could have ripped my throat out, you crazy whore!|你疯啦,你差点咬断我的喉咙 你这个疯狂的烂婊子


例如,Barney(1991)认为,作为战略性资源首先它是宝贵的(valuable),除此之外,它还应该具有如下特征:稀少性、不可完全模仿性以及不可替代,等等. 以资源为基础的战略管理理论认为,企业所拥有的战略性资产常常是无形的,它是企业集体学习的结果,

treasurable:宝贵的, 贵重的; 值得珍爱的 (形)

treasonous 叛逆的; 不忠的 (形) | treasurable 宝贵的, 贵重的; 值得珍爱的 (形) | treasure 珍爱, 密藏, 重视 (动)

above price:宝贵的, 无价的

above price 宝贵的, 无价的 | beyond price 宝贵的, 无价的 | without price 宝贵的, 无价的

beyond price:宝贵的, 无价的

firm order 确定订货 | beyond price 宝贵的, 无价的 | carmelite [法]卡默利特平纹薄呢

beyond price:极其宝贵的,无价的

What the little hero did was beyond praise. 那位小英雄的事迹是人们所赞颂不尽的. | beyond price极其宝贵的,无价的: | His honesty is beyond price. 他的诚实是难能可贵的.

without price:宝贵的, 无价的

beyond price 宝贵的, 无价的 | without price 宝贵的, 无价的 | at a price 付出很大代价, 昂贵