英语人>词典>汉英 : 定期租金 的英文翻译,例句
定期租金 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与定期租金相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Provided that the acceptance of rent or mesne profits by the Party A after the expiration of the term of the tenancy hereby created shall not be deemed to operate as a waiver or breach of any of the terms hereof nor as a new periodic tenancy by way of holding over or otherwise.


Article 129 A time charter party is a contract under which the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship during the contractual period for the agreed service against payment of hire.


Article 130 A time charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowner, the name of the charter, the name, nationality, class, tonnage, capacity, speed and fuel consumption of the ship, the trading area, the agreed service, the contractual period, the time, place and conditions of delivery and redelivery of the ship, the hire and the way of its payment and other relevant matters.


Article 130 A time charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowner, the name of the charterer; the name, nationality, class, tonnage, capacity, speed and fuel consumption of the ship; the trading area; the agreed service, the contractual period, the time, place and conditions of delivery and redelivery of the ship; the hire and the way of its payment and other relevant matters.


Article 130 A time charter party mainly contains the name of the shipowner, the name of the charterer; the name, nationality, class, tonnage, capacity, speed and fuel consumption of the ship; the trading area; the agreed service, the contractual period, the time, place and conditions of delivery and redelivery of the ship; the hire and the way of its payment and other relevant matters.


Section 2 Time Charter Party 第二节定期租船合同 Article 129 A time charter party is a contract under which the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship during the contractual period for the agreed service against payment of hire.


更多网络解释与定期租金相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

charter party:租约

运费按既定的运费表(Tariff)结算,它主要适用于运载小宗货量的货物;不定期船的特点是船舶没有固定的班期,没有固定的航线,亦没有固定的挂港,所有这些包括租金或运费每航次多少及双方的责任与义务都以租约(Charter party)为依归.

time charter:定期租船合同

(四) 租金(hire)按照租金率和时间长短计算;2.>(Time Charter),租约代号为"土产格式"(Produce Form),是由美国纽约土产交易所(New York Produce Exchange:NYPE)于1913年制定的,因而航运界常称此格式为"NYPE"或"纽约格式".


主要业务是在市场上为租船人寻找合适的运输船舶或为船东寻找货运对象,以中间人身份使租船人租船运输(Charter Transport)又称不定期船运输,指包...内由租船人自行调度和经营管理,船东负责船舶的维修和机械的正常运转,租金按租期每月(30天)每载重吨(Deadweight


二、预付定金情况下经营租赁的会计处理 有时租赁契约可能规定,承租人除定期支付一笔金额固定的租金外,还要先预付一笔定金,则此种经营租赁要稍微复杂一些;定金(DownPayment)与押金(Deposit)不同,押金在期满退租时是要返还的;而定金则不然,

month by month:逐月

如租客没有定期合同的话,即所谓逐月 (Month by Month) 交租,业主仍须提前九十天的通知,才可以实施新租金. 如租客有定期合同,则视合同是否许可在租约期内调整. 若不许可的话,九十天通知应在合约到期前发出. 当然,租客有权反对加租.

time charter hire:定期租船租金

time charter card 定期租船契约 | time charter hire 定期租船租金 | Time Charter on Trip Basis 航次期租