英语人>词典>汉英 : 官座的 的英文翻译,例句
官座的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与官座的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And when this was done, Pius designated him as his colleague in the consulship, though he was still only quaestor, gave him the title of Caesar,38 appointed him while consul-elect one of the six commanders of the equestrian order39 and sat by him when he and his five colleagues were producing their official games, bade him take up his abode in the House of Tiberius40 and there provided him with all the pomp of a court, though Marcus objected to this, and finally took him into the priesthoods41 at the bidding of the senate.


On the day when Verus assumed the toga virilis Antoninus Pius, who on that same occasion dedicated a temple to his father, gave largess to the people;24 and Verus himself, when quaestor,25 gave the people a gladiatorial spectacle, at which he sat between Pius and Marcus.


There is no need to go into their bizarre activities here in any detail, but we may mention in passing the official's daughter who carried a whip with her to beat ricksha coolies; the division commander who asked an American doctor in Shanghai to kill his son because he had inherited his father's syphilis; the official's wife who loaded dogs onto a plane in place of her fellow-countrymen who were fighting to escape Hongkong after Pearl Harbor; and the general who in the summer of 1948 seduced the eight-year-old daughter of a minor official in Nanking, infected her with gonorrhea and then threatened to arrest the girl's father and his neighbors if they pressed suit against him.


To human perceptions word is 0D of soul; a house is 0D of Earth; Earth is 0D of Universe; Universe is 0D of nihility.


更多网络解释与官座的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

curtsy:屈膝礼 行屈膝礼

curtsey /弯膝盖和身体而行的礼/ | curtsy /屈膝礼/行屈膝礼/ | curule /官座的/有坐官座资格的/高官的/


curule 官座的 | curvaceous 肉体美的 | curvaceouscurvy 曲线美的

curvaceous:曲线美的, 肉体美的

curule /官座的/有坐官座资格的/高官的/ | curvaceous /曲线美的/肉体美的/ | curvature /屈曲/弯曲/曲率/

Lieutenant Commander Champion Superior:頭盔 護肩

11 Commander Lieutenant 指揮官的 epic 座騎 | 10 Lieutenant Commander Champion Superior 頭盔 護肩 | 9 Knight-Champion Centurion 戰旗


curtsy 行屈膝礼 | curule 有坐官座资格的 | curule 高官的


curule 高官的 | curule 官座的 | curvaceous 肉体美的


curtsy /屈膝礼/行屈膝礼/ | curule /官座的/有坐官座资格的/高官的/ | curvaceous /曲线美的/肉体美的/