英语人>词典>汉英 : 宗族 的英文翻译,例句
宗族 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
clan  ·  gens  ·  phyle  ·  clans

patriarchal clan
更多网络例句与宗族相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Peasant s had more clan and localist ideology than consciousness of class and revolution. Localism and clannishness infiltrated t he grass - root organizations of t he Party.


Suppose that "governmental powers—local elite—clanship organizations" is the reasonable tool, with which the patterns evolution of china xiang area governance can be explained. That means, there are three authoritative systems: governmental powers.local elite.and clanship organizations.


It temples such as bridges and links, clan society plays a very important role, it will be like magnet for people linked to safeguard the interests of the clan, clansman of continuity.


Therefore, the rise and fall of the clansmen activities, is decided by its solution of these two problems to a certain degree.


But the solution of these two problem or not and the degree of the solution, have close relations with the geography humanities environment, with the civilizing of the clansmen and the education of the schools, with the whole characters of the leaders.


Not all of the Highland clan s, who turned out to fight f0r the jacobite cause were the old, traditional ones


The objective of this dissertation is to make a sketch of situation of filial duty and its dissemination in Han Dynasties.


And we argue that, if the research is to be deepen in further steps and breakthroughs are to be achieved, something must be done: to reject the noble-like thinking characterized by the sense of ego-superiority of self-culture; to get the better of the thinking habit such as the argument of feudal-clan, the argument of backward politic ideology of the peasantry;to relate rural clans to the peasantry, their subject of benefits instead of splitting them, and regard the multi-choices of ways of the existence and social benefits of rural society as well as urban society, thus to overcome the static vision on looking at the rural clan.


The Relation between the Development of Patriarchalism of Powerful Clans and the Development of Social Structure of Han Dynasty The reviving and rebuilding of clans power in West and East Han dynasties was determined by the bureaucracy and patriarchalism of powerful clan.


In a word, powerful clan in West and East Han dynasties built and kept clan power, completed step by step the transition from civil society to clan society through the development of powerful clan, especially the patriarchalism of powerful clan, thus forming the foundation of Shi Zu society of Wei and Jindynasties.

第三章 豪族的宗族化进程与汉代社会结构的演变两汉是宗族势力的复苏和重建,在一定程度上取决于豪族势力通过政治联结,逐步控制汉代政治的运行,出现&累世公卿&的名门望族,即豪族的官僚和宗族化来实现的。

更多网络解释与宗族相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agnation:男系亲属, 宗族关系

agnatic | 男系亲属的 | agnation | 男系亲属, 宗族关系 | Agnean | 阿格尼恩语(印欧语族的一支)


在系谱上可向上追溯的、核心性别共同的单系祖先构造,在大多数人类学文献中更多地称之为 血系(lineage),而不是宗族(clan). 但是 支那学者 (sinologists)对中国的族 一般用 克兰(clan)称之. 许烺光>,薛刚译,

clannish:氏族的, 宗族排外的, 团结心很强的

clank | 叮当声 (使)发叮当声 | clannish | 氏族的, 宗族排外的, 团结心很强的 | clannishly | 派系地, 团结地

clanship:族阀, 宗族的团结, 内聚力, 氏族制度

clannishly | 派系地, 团结地 | clanship | 族阀, 宗族的团结, 内聚力, 氏族制度 | clansman | 同族的人, 族人, 同宗的人

Congregate Clansman:聚集宗族

Hong Kong香港 | Congregate Clansman聚集宗族 | Radio Television Hong Kong香港电台

consanguine:同血亲的; 同宗族的 (形)

conquistador 西班牙征服者, 征服者 (名) | consanguine 同血亲的; 同宗族的 (形) | consanguineous 同血统的; 同祖先的; 同族的 (形)


genre /类型/流派/ | gens /氏族/宗族/一族/ | genset /发电机组/

patriarchal clan:宗族

宗法伦理:Patriarchal clan system ethics | 宗族:Patriarchal Clan | 宗族组织:Patriarchal Clan

patriarchal clan:宗族组织

宗族:Patriarchal Clan | 宗族组织:Patriarchal Clan | 宗法制大家族:patriarchal clan

