英语人>词典>汉英 : 完全系统 的英文翻译,例句
完全系统 的英文翻译、例句


complete system
更多网络例句与完全系统相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, the synchronization of EAN is studied; the result shows that the stochastic networks are more poorly synchronized than their deterministic counterparts. These models can well mimic some real systems. Firstly, two dimensional random Apollonian networks and two dimensional EAN are maximal planar graphs, which may be helpful for designing printed circuits. Secondly, V-HDRAN can be mapped into the Yule process, which was inspired by observations of the statistics of biological taxa. From this perspective, V-HDRAN can find some applications in biological systems. Thirdly, all networks of this type consist of complete graphs; this particularity of the composing units can provide a comprehensive aspect to understand some real-life systems making up of complete graphs, such as movie actor collaboration networks, scientific collaboration networks and networks of company directors.


This paper investigates topological properties of the general gradient system, and demonstrates by results of differential topology that the boundedness of the general gradient system is equivalent to the boundedness of the potential energy boundary surface. Moreover, a general gradient system is bounded if, and only if the system has both sink point and source point.


Syntactical completeness is only concerned with syntactics. The classical proposition logic systems with the rule of substitution are syntactical complete, while the ones without the rule are not.


Syntactical completeness is only concerned with syntactics. The classical preposition logic systems with the rule of substitution are syntactically complete, while the ones without the rule are not.


Secondly, PSDS serves as a universal system for compact and totally disconnected dynamical systems (since OSDS cann't), and provides a moderate framework for characterizing orbit structures of general dynamical systems, in particular non-expansive dynamical systems.


Therefore, with the complete system, you can parallel test twelve TRE modules.

所以, 以完全系统,您能平行的测试十二TRE 模块。

If you are serious about performing for real people, Skywalker is the complete system for levitating in the real world.

如果您对执行是严肃的为真正的人民, Skywalker 是完全系统为levitating 在现实世界。400 磅重量极限。

While virtual reality originally denoted a fully immersive tethered system, the term has since been used to describe systems lacking wired gloves, full body touch suits, etc., such as those driven by VRML and X3D on the World Wide Web and occasionally even text-based interactive systems such as MOOs or MUDs.

虽然虚拟现实最初表示一个完全immersive范围的系统,该词一直用于描述没有有线手套的系统,完全身体接触衣服等等,例如世界范围网站那些靠VRML和 X3D驱动的系统甚至文本基础的交互系统如MOOs 或者MUDs。

Jiangnan "Ammonia - Fertilizer Law" of flue gas desulphurization technology 1 complete resource - the "sulfur" Resource Recycling completely, generating ammonium sulfate fertilizers, waste to treasure 2 There is no secondary pollution - completely closed circulation system, without any wastewater, waste residue discharge, no CO2 greenhouse gas emissions 3 systems in small resistance - resistance at 1200Pa following system does not have to replace or increase the fan to save power consumption 4 installation of equipment, an area of small - to facilitate transformation of the old boiler 5 both desulfurization denitration again - at no additional investment and operating costs, while denitrification rate of 40


The company believes has long term plans to expand its presence in china, and our approach is "long on east, and short on west".nwe are looking for suitable candidates to be part of our china team, and he must possess strong mental and analytical ability, and most importantly, a self driven mindset to succeed, and the desire to differentiate from the pack, taking "road less traveled", and being innovative passionate and positive, which are key to success.n斯考根投资有限公司是完全由在奥斯陆上市的ims se投资成立.ims


更多网络解释与完全系统相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fully cartesian coordinates:完全笛卡尔坐标方法

非正交坐标系系统:non-orthogonal coordinates mechanical system | 完全笛卡尔坐标方法:Fully cartesian coordinates | 非正交坐标系机械系统:non-orthogonal coordinates mechanical system

complete axiom system:完备公理系统

complete accumulation point 完全聚点 | complete axiom system 完备公理系统 | complete category 完全范畴

complete linear system:完备线性系统

complete lattice 完全格 | complete linear system 完备线性系统 | complete local ring 完全局部环

complete orthogonal system:完全正交系统

complete orthogonal basis 完全正交基准 | complete orthogonal system 完全正交系统 | complete polarizable electrode 完全可极化电池

completely homologous maps:完全同党射

completely distributive lattice 完全分配格 | completely homologous maps 完全同党射 | completely independent system of axioms 完全独立公理系统

completely independent system of axioms:完全独立公理系统

completely homologous maps 完全同党射 | completely independent system of axioms 完全独立公理系统 | completely integrable 完全可积的

completely integrable system:完全可积系统

满[充]壳[层] complete shell | 完全可积系统 completely integrable system | 完全偏振光 completely polarized light

completely integrable:完全可积的

completely independent system of axioms 完全独立公理系统 | completely integrable 完全可积的 | completely integrable system 完全可积组

full SCSI:完全小型计算机系统接口

fulcrum 支点 | full SCSI 完全小型计算机系统接口 | full availability 完全可利用

complete observability:完全可观测性;完全能观测性

complete immersion thermometer,(完)全浸(没)温度计 | complete observability,完全可观测性;完全能观测性 | complete set up for chemical oxygen demand determinations in seawater, 海水化学耗氧量测定系统