英语人>词典>汉英 : 安定 的英文翻译,例句
安定 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quietness  ·  stability  ·  stabilization  ·  stabilize  ·  Valium  ·  tranquillise  ·  stabilized  ·  stabilizes  ·  diazepam

更多网络例句与安定相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The difference in oxygen absorption stable performances of different diesel fuels can be accurately and easily seen by the oxygen absorption stable index ...


It's not because of stability that someone wants to marry, but because of l ack of stability.


Nevertheless defect is not quite may stable, the element of existence unrest is inside, astatic of course element also need not explain.


The material progress and well-being of one country are necessarily conn ected to the material progress and well-being of all other countries.

一 个国家的生活质量提高和社会的安定是和其他所有国家的生活质量提高和社会安定密不可分的。

Objective: To explore the effect of intramuscular injection of midazolam before intravertebral anesthesia on sedation luring operation and amnesia after operation. Methods: Selected 180 ASA cases at 1~2 stage with lower extremity surgery under combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia, and randomly divided them into midazolam group and phenobarbital sodium group. Gave patients in midazolam group intramuscular injection of midazolam at 0.1mg/kg 10 min earlier before operation, while gave patients in phenobarbital sodium group 0.1 g phenobarbital sodium 30 mm earlier.


Gave patients in midazolam group intramuscular injection of midazolam at 0.1 mg/kg 10 min earlier before operation, while gave patients in phenobarbital sodium group 0.1 g phenobarbital sodium 30 min earlier. With Ramsay sedation evaluation assessed mean arterial pressure and heart rate during anesthesia, before and after operation, respectively.

选择ASA1~2级择期在腰硬联合阻滞下行下肢手术的患者180例,随机分为咪唑安定组和苯巴比妥钠组,咪唑安定组患者入室后(实施麻醉前10 min)肌内注射咪唑安定0.1 mg/kg,苯巴比妥钠组患者入室前30 min肌内注射苯巴比妥钠0.1 g。

In this paper, based on the domestic and overseas existing research results, the elastic shakedown analysis and the plastic shakedown theorems are summarized.


Taking the square mesh point as an example, the Visual effects from the point of view, the angle of 45 ° dot generated visual effects the most comfortable and beauty, as well as stable and not rigid, monochrome business card printing and membership card making dot point of rweting are usually 45 ° angle. 15 ° and 75 ° dot point of view is not very stable, but it's not just sort of 90 °(0 °) dot point of Visual effects are the worst, though it is stable but dull.


whole brain and most regional metabolism decrease significantly during midazolam anesthesia. thalamus, left prefrontal cortex and cingulated gyrus are most sensitive to midazolam and they may be the primary targets in midazolam anesthesia.


The paper de-duced the kinematically admissible plastic strain rate cycles of scattered structuresproceeding from Betti′s reciprocal theorem and the principle of virtual work.A fi-nite element formula of upper shakedown analysis of shells is given.Computerprograms are coded to resolve the problems of lower shakedown limit andoptimum shakedown design of plate structures and the lower and uppershakedown limits of combined rotation shells with initial geometric imperfections.The computing results show the correctness and effectiveness of the methods pro-posed by this paper.


更多网络解释与安定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

asymptotically stable:漸近安定

asymptotic stable 漸近安定 | asymptotically stable 漸近安定 | asymptotically stable in the large 大域漸近安定

climax forest stage:安定森森期

安定群落區 climax area | 安定森森期 climax forest stage | 安定雜種 constant hybrid

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome:安定药恶性综合征

安定药, 弱 Tranquilizing Agents, Minor | 安定药恶性综合征 Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome | 安定镇痛 Neuroleptanalgesia

STAB stabilizer:安定装置;安定翼

STA station 驻地(各种机构的)站,所, | STAB stabilizer 安定装置;安定翼 | STBY standby 备用

stabilizing treatment:安定化處理 安定化処理

spindle 主軸 転達軸 | stabilizing treatment 安定化處理 安定化処理 | stack feeder 堆疊撥送料機 スタックフィード

stabilizing agent:安定剂;稳定剂

"安定剂,稳定剂,稳定器","stabilizator, stabilizer" | "安定剂,稳定剂","stabilizing agent" | "安定同位素","stable isotope"


和平之药---精神安定剂近十余年间,不仅医学界,在民间也有许多药物闪亮登场,精神安定剂(Tranquilizer)便是其中之一,这显然是一大进步. 近年来,日本对安定类药物的消耗量非常大,远远超过其他药物. 这种东西的别称退休后无所事事,空虚无聊,

asymptotically stable:漸近安定

asymptotic stable 漸近安定 | asymptotically stable 漸近安定 | asymptotically stable in the large 大域漸近安定


REER 安定主动化产品 | REES 安定主动化产品 | REGLOMAT 安定主动化产品


stabilize /安定/ | stabilized /安定/稳定的/ | stabilizer /有安定作用之物/安定装置/水平尾翼/