英语人>词典>汉英 : 孩子们 的英文翻译,例句
孩子们 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与孩子们相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children were observed as they slowly grasped -or, as the case might be, bumped into -- concepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short stout glass into a tall thin one.


Children were observed as t hey slowly grasped -- or, as the case might be, bumped into -- concepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short stout glass into a tall thin one.


Children were observed as they slowly grasped -or, as the case might be, bumped into -- concepts that adults concede that quantity take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to is unchanged as water pours from a short stout glass into a tall thin one.


Children were observed as they slowly grasped -- or, as the case might be, bumped into -- concepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short stout glass into a tall thin one.

他们观察到孩子们缓慢掌握那些成年人认为理所当然的概念的过程, wwW.ssbbwW.coM 是孩子们偶然遇到这些概念的过程。他们也观察到孩子们拒绝承认某些常识的 8tt§t8.com 。比如:孩子们拒绝承认当水从短而粗的瓶中倒入细而长的瓶子中时,水的数量没有变化。

Children were observed as they slowly into grasped -- or, as the case might be, bumped into -concepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short stout glass into a tall thin one.


Research with infants and toddlers has led to a description of normal egocentrism; children are likely to view any event as the result of something they did or a volitional act on the part of an adult—because adults are seen as "allpowerful" and can do anything they want.7 It is, therefore, important to reassure the child in the case above that Mommy did not want to leave her and that Mommy's death was not related to anything the child did or said.


We shared their activities,spending soccer Saturdays in folding chairs with the parents of the kids' friends, the Kissells.


Another client, Mollie, often complains,"I practically killed myself to give my kids a good life, and now they're in therapy saying God knows what about me." Here's what Mollie's kids are processing with their therapists: the guilt and despair that comes from being raised by a mom who used her own suffering as the yardstick of her mothering.

另一位客户 Mollie经常抱怨说:"为了给我的孩子们好的生活,几乎我命都陪出去了,而现在他们在接收治疗时说只有老天才懂我"她的孩子们与治疗学家要解决的那个问题是:产生于用自己的痛苦作为照料标杆的母亲抚养下孩子们出现的愧疚感和绝望感。

We have always been grateful to Sister Pu and Brother Hu Kai of BeijingChurch for their donation to our care center. They donated a large number of clothes to us. Most of the clothes are new and our children love them very much. Although there is no snow this winter, it is very cold here. Many kids have chilblains. Brother Hu Kai has sent clothes to us for many times, which solved our big problem. There is plenty of rain in southern spring, so it is very useful for the kids to have some more clothes to change.


We have always been grateful to Sister Piao and Brother Hu Kai of Beijing Church for their donation to our care center. They donated a large number of clothes to us. Most of the clothes are new and our children love them very much. Although there is no snow this winter, it is very cold here. Many kids have chilblains. Brother Hu Kai has sent clothes to us for many times, which solved our big problem. There is plenty of rain in southern spring, so it is very useful for the kids to have some more clothes to change.


更多网络解释与孩子们相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


好父母(parent),最后成为大家名师(everybody is great master!). 孩子是我们最好的老师,让我们也甘愿做孩子们的孩子. 让我们的心能够海纳百川,有容乃大,与孩子们(children)火热、幼小的心灵相约,相通,不再瑟瑟发冷(chill)吧.

I disagree about you letting children go:我不同意让孩子们去

5 Don't always let the children have their way. 不要老是让孩子们任着他们的性子. | 6 I disagree about you letting children go. 我不同意让孩子们去. | 1 Stop spoiling them. 别宠坏他们.

Sandy:Hip!Hip! Children:Hurray:桑迪:一,二. 孩子们:好哇

"Three cheers for Billy,"Sandy shouts. ;"为比利欢呼三声," 桑迪叫道. | Sandy:Hip!Hip! Children:Hurray! ;桑迪:一,二. 孩子们:好哇! | Sandy:Hip!Hip! Children:Hurray! ;桑迪:一,二. 孩子们:好哇!

Thanks, Mum:孩子们:谢谢,妈妈

Here you are,children. 母亲:给你们,孩子们. | Thanks,Mum. 孩子们:谢谢,妈妈. | These ice creams are nice. 女孩:这些冰淇淋真好.

Well, the film is R-rated. It's not intended for children:这部电影是R-级片. 不是让孩子们看的

Your thoughts?|你怎么... | Well, the film is R-rated. It's not intended for children--|这部电影是R-级片. 不是让孩子们看的-- | - But of course children are gonna see it. - Can I finish?|- 但孩子们当然会...

The children dance round him in delight:孩子们开心地围着他跳舞

The children jumped up and down in excitement.^孩子们高兴得连蹦带... | The children dance round him in delight.^孩子们开心地围着他跳舞. | The children can take care of themselves now.^孩子们能自己料理生...


Nima. What happened?|尼玛,怎么了? | Tamara!|塔玛拉,你可以帮我带孩子们过去吗? | Will you take the kids please?|塔玛拉,你可以帮我带孩子们过去吗?

the boys chaffed the french boy about his mistakes in speaking english:这些孩子们由于那个法国孩子说错了英语而开他的玩笑

24、 chaff--戏弄,恶作剧 | the boys chaffed the french boy about his mistakes in speaking english . 这些孩子们由于那个法国孩子说错了英语而开他的玩笑. | 25、 jeer--讥笑

The children pranced on the stage:孩子们在舞台上腾跃蹦跳着

The children were playing hide-and-seek in the very thick reed marshes.^孩子们在密不... | The children pranced on the stage.^孩子们在舞台上腾跃蹦跳着. | The boys' dispute ended in a fight.^孩子们争执到...

Proves the child ephemeral:证明了孩子们的宿命

Thoughtful children, and the grave 深思的孩子们,以及坟墓 | Proves the child ephemeral: 证明了孩子们的宿命: | But in my arms till break of day 但在我臂弯里知道天光