英语人>词典>汉英 : 学长 的英文翻译,例句
学长 的英文翻译、例句


a fellow student
更多网络例句与学长相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yes, an upper classman told me that they need a temp at his job and asked me to help out.


So I dialed the number. It was Ning who asked me to go to club at one time.


The awful disputant of the club-room, solemn, ponderous, severe, and merciless, the admiration and the terror of humble Bozzy, the stern monitor of gentle Oliver, the friend of Garrick and Reynolds to-night: and to-morrow at sunset a weak miserable old man, discovered by good Mr. and Mrs. Thrale, kneeling upon the floor of his lonely chamber, in an agony of childish terror and confusion, and praying to a merciful God for the preservation of his wits.


Tears were in her eyes while he left.


The topic of my speech today is: feel mapleleaf, involve with mapleleafWe have already came to mapleleaf for two months, during those periods, we had experienced military training, mapleleaf activities week and chorus competition, we experienced so much for ESL class process and excellent club activities. I also feel such honor to come to MapleleafSchool to study and experience wonderful life such as our teachers who always help us, encourage us and motive to us.we should thank our parents to create this good environment for us, thank school for providing those facilities, thank teachers for helping us and tutoring us with our study, also guide us in a proper way. Here, we want to thank all the people who help us with understanding, encouraging and supporting. On the 19th of October, when we see all of the students wear tidy and neat uniforms to present the flag ceremony, we feel so proud to be here. When we listen to our school songs, we feel so excited to be a mapleafer.


We are proud of having such an excellent fellow student !


One day a year ago, there was a fellow student of mine told me:"I'm dating, my girlfriend is my classmate, is a very virtuous girls, I am very happy."


I think that he just said that so lucas would think he had hydrophobia, but it was actually because of his knee.


Interspinous process device is a kind of non-fusion implant for posterior spinal surgery.


On the basis of introduction on the upperclassman system, the article analyzes the connotation and traits of education of higher vocational freshman deeply, further brings forward effective methods of implementation of the upperclassman system with higher vocational education characteristics in freshman education.


更多网络解释与学长相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

military academy:军事学院

苏蒂约梭1971年毕业於该国精英学府"军事学院"(Military Academy),尤多约诺则是早他两年前毕业的学长. 在苏蒂约梭的军事生涯中,有20多年是在精锐部队"特种部队司令部"(Kopassus)服役. 这 支部队1975年参与入侵东帝汶,


学长的文章让我想起选修新闻采编与评论时老师讲过的"华尔街文体":以引人入胜、扣人心弦的单个人物故事或趣闻(Anecdote)作为开头,自然过渡至所要报道的新闻主题(Main Point of Story),在层层深入的阐释和探讨之后,将焦点回到开篇的人物或故事上,


虽然学长说, 什麼都不用带, 只要带人去和好胃口 (appetite) 去就好了, 不过, 我还是左思右想, 想做点东西, 让大家尝尝. 而且, 份量不能太多, 否则大家会吃不下.

BOSTON University:波斯顿大学

麻省理工大学在波斯顿以北剑桥区,学长介绍说那里有一条河名字叫查理河,河南有波斯顿大学 (Boston University),麻省理工大学以西为哈佛(Harvard University) 校前的那座桥(见大图左下)又叫哈佛桥.


我用光驱(CD ROM)读一张MPEG4的盘时突然死机. 当我重启后就会出现"无法访问G:/. 设备尚未准备好的提示出现". 显示无法读盘. 重启多次依然不行. 但关机再过一会打开偶尔可以读CD. 不知是何故. 望高手学长,学姐,

About to compete against three students:马上就要跟三名学长比赛

I'm 14.我14岁了 | About to compete against three students... 马上就要跟三名学长比赛 | ...not only vastly more emotionally mature than yourself... 可是,他们不但在精神上比你成熟


到目前为止,阑尾炎仍然值得注意因为超声检测结果具有一定的不确定性,计算机断层摄影术(CT)成为了医生做进一步检查的方法. 但第二军医大学长海医院中医科近日在提取高纯度蜂毒素的基础上,开展了蜂毒素抗肿瘤的疗效及作用机制的研究,

gray scale:灰度级

那是个黑白灰度级(gray scale)的图形终端,通过X协议连接到空调机房里的SUN工作站上(不记得是SUN2还是SUN3了). 看着高年级的学长在用鼠标玩国际象棋,我想我的嘴当时一定是没有合拢的. 在客户端,X协议的底层被抽象、概括为一个程序库,


绰号:"偶像"(idol)学长(因为名字发音与之相像而得)绰号:"偶像"(idol)学长(因为名字发音与之相像而得)白鹭 更(白蕗 更) 只在漫画中出现过,目前漫画中最神秘的人.

leap day:闰日

梅斯很快又创作了一本青少年小说>(Leap Day),以及一本关於科幻小说名作家雷?布莱伯利(Ray Bradbury)的传记. 温蒂从美国麻州的塔夫斯大学毕业,在加州州立大学长滨分校取得英语硕士学位,并且从纽泽西州的杜尔大学取得人文博士学位.