英语人>词典>汉英 : 存储器容量 的英文翻译,例句
存储器容量 的英文翻译、例句


memory capacity · memory capacitance
更多网络例句与存储器容量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ACA board is the most important and difficult point in the system design of airborne SAR RTDIP, which has high requirements on arithmetic speed and memory.


A major factor influencing the speed of execution of your applications is the amount of available memory.


Paged virtual memory provides the solution to the first desideratum of a very large memory' s being available to the processor.


In information processing, especially realtime video image processing usually have to deal with video images, which must first be designed largecapacity memory, synchronous dynamic random access memory SDRAM Although there are low cost, large capacity, etc., but SDRAM control structure of the complex, commonly used method is to design generic SDRAM controller, which makes a lot of people had to abandon the use of SDRAM and the use of expensive SRAM.


Well, as you probably now, a big memory is a good thing, because you can store more things to run bigger applications, et cetera.


However, these applications must be compressed, transmission of large amounts of data,just with simply relying on expanded memory capacity and communication lines to increase the transmission rate would be unrealistic.


Memory capacity of single-chip processor is general small. It is difficult to extend data memory in a standard system.


Cost, speed, and storage capacity of larger minis and smaller mainframes.


The are topical more powerful and expensive than micros,although the performance of some newer micros may surpass the capabilities or some older minis.


This paper introduces application of the KM29N32000TS Large Flash Memory Device for data storage in the study and manufacture of the "Pressure Wave and Tide Gauge", which is a sponsored 818 subject under 863 National Key Project.

文中介绍在国家 86 3计划 81 8主题资助项目压力式波潮仪的研制中,应用KM 2 9N32 0 0 0TS大容量快闪存储器作为数据存储器,较好地解决了大存储容量和低功耗、高可靠性的矛盾。

更多网络解释与存储器容量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Decreasing available memory:可用存储器容量减少

Bata error数据错误 | Decreasing available memory可用存储器容量减少 | Diskette read failure软盘读取错误

circuit buffer:电路缓冲存储器

circuit breaker for short circuit use 短絡用遮断器 | circuit buffer 电路缓冲存储器 | circuit capacity 电路能力,电路容量,线路容量

bulk storage:大容量存储器

376bulbn. 电灯泡,球状物 | 378bulk storage大容量存储器 | 379bulletn. 子弹

electronic bulk storage:电子大容量存储器

electronic bulk memory 大容量电子存储器 | electronic bulk storage 电子大容量存储器 | electronic bulletin board 电子通报,电子通报板

mass cache memory:大容量超高速缓冲存储器

mass burning rate 质量燃烧速率 | mass cache memory 大容量超高速缓冲存储器 | mass calculation 土方计算

bulk core store:大容量磁心存储器

bulk core storage | 大容量磁心存储器 | bulk core store | 大容量磁心存储器 | bulk creep compliance | 体积蠕变柔量

mass memory subsystem:大容量存储器子系统

mass memory 大容量存储,大容量存储器 | mass memory subsystem 大容量存储器子系统 | mass memory system 大容量存储系统

memory span:存储器容量

memory space 存储量 | memory span 存储器容量 | memory storage 存储装置

static RAM:静态

RAM可分为动态( Dynamic RAM)和静态(Static RAM)两大类. ...创下世界非易失随机存储器容量和速度的最高纪录. 非易失随机存取存储器在断电后不会丢失数据. ...这一改良提高了存储器的集成度,以128兆比特的容量实现了非易失随机存储器的世界容量之最.

LCM LargeCapacityMemory:大容量存储器

LCD LargeCapacityCoreStorage 大容量磁芯存储体 | LCM LargeCapacityMemory 大容量存储器 | LCR LargeComputerizedPrivateBrancheXchange 大型计算机化私用分支交换机