英语人>词典>汉英 : 字面 的英文翻译,例句
字面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与字面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both Chinese oral idioms and phrases have literal meaning and crytic meaning. Wemake an investigation to test 20 Korean students who are studying Chinese. Subjects areasked to write the meaning of 20 oral idioms which are chosen by us in the form ofwritten reports. The oral idioms in the first report appear solely and the oral idioms inthe second report appear in the context.


PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight John did not love his mother or his sis...


There exist several theories of metaphor understanding, such as the comparison theory, the substitution theory, the interactionist theory, the grammatical metaphor theory etc.


Contract Interpretation Principles THE PLAIN MEANING RULE (ALSO KNOWN AS PAROL EVIDENCE RULE)- When a contract is in writing that is not subject to conflicting meanings, a court will enforce the writing according to its plain meaning.

合同解释原理字面意义原理(亦称为PAROL 证据原理)-当一个合同是以书面形式存在而且不存在意思矛盾时,法庭将依据合同的字面意义使合同生效。

Another problem may be that Socrates said many different things and changed his mind throughout his life—at least once, significantly, when he went from being a sophist (meaning, literally,"wiseman," see Chapter 1) to calling himself a philosopher (meaning, literally,"lover of wisdom").


Again such as:The the dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone at translate Chinese language, the typeface image dog, bones in which can't transliterate, can abandon its typeface meaning and the image meaning only, translating an implicit meaning:" Say the person of other people's ill to you, also will say your bad live".

又如:the dog that will fetch a bone will carry a bone在译成汉语时,其中的字面形象dog、bone都不能直译,只能舍弃它的字面意义和形象意义,译出隐含意义:"对你说别人坏话的人,也会说你的坏活"。

The usage of all the hedges involves both literal meaning and non-literal meaning, and all kinds of the hedges can be used untruthfully, namely, pragmatic strategy usage, as a means of expressing the speaker's certain intention. Therefore it is not appropriate to range the Approximators absolutely in the study of semantics.


When original habit the implicit meaning of the language very obvious or predict very easily, the reader can comprehend its meaning through a typeface, then transliterating the typeface meaning.


Even though some people literally have the sentence "There are other minds" go through their head in assertoric mode - I'm thinking chiefly of philosophers persuaded by some or other standard argument - belief in other minds is typically a matter of so acting and feeling that an outsider will find it advantageous to think of the subject as if he literally had heteropsychological sentences running through his mind.


From the phonological point of view, parody in advertising idioms can be classified into homophones and near-homophones.


更多网络解释与字面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bad sailor:字面意思:坏水手 实际意思:晕船的人

8. dog days 字面意思:狗的日子 实际意思:三伏天 | 9. a bad sailor 字面意思:坏水手 实际意思:晕船的人 | 10. blue blood 字面意思:蓝色的血 实际意思:贵族出身的人


fantastic:字面是美好的. | bewitching:字面是让人入迷的. | mesmerizing:字面是催眠的.


seductive:字面是诱惑的. | delectable:字面是美味的. | fierce:字面是前卫时尚的.


brilliant:字面是光彩夺目的. | endearing:字面是招人喜爱的. | insouciant:字面是无忧无虑的.


entrancing:字面是令人着魔的. | enticing:字面是有诱惑的. | irresistible:字面是无法抗拒的.


electrifying:字面是让人过电一样的. | entrancing:字面是令人着魔的. | enticing:字面是有诱惑的.


sassy:字面是时尚精神的. | fetching:字面是非常迷人的. | seductive:字面是诱惑的.


endearing:字面是招人喜爱的. | insouciant:字面是无忧无虑的. | excellent:字面是优异的.


alluring:字面是诱惑的. | intoxicating:字面是使人迷醉的. | magnificent:字面是杰出的.

string literal:字串面值/字面串字面值/字面

string字串串字 | string literal字串面值/字面字面值/字面 | Technology Preview技術展示(版) [mozilla.org]