英语人>词典>汉英 : 字母符号 的英文翻译,例句
字母符号 的英文翻译、例句


alphabetic character · alphabet character · letter character · alphabet symbol · alphabetic symbol
更多网络例句与字母符号相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The passwords contain between 4 and 100 characters made up from any combination of alphanumeric characters and non-alphanumeric symbols.


Diacriticals: Marks above and below letters ,such as accent s or the cedilla


Diacriticals: Marks above and below letters ,such as accents or the cedilla


Diacritical marks are placed over, under, or through letters to indicate sound changes from the unmarked form.


"They may involve associated letters (e.g., C for the chemical element carbon), or they may be assigned arbitrarily (e.g., the mathematical symbol ¥ for infinity)."


The Quebecois, of course, required that all moutons be tallied on special sheets in which the numbers were listed in alphabetic notation: un, deux, trios


Four letters (in English notation 'a','g','f' and 'c') indicated a series of four succeeding tones with the range of a tetrachord .


According to Newell and Simon, a physical symbol system is a machine, like a digital computer,that is capable of manipulating symbolic data-adding numbers, rearranging lists of symbols (such as alphabetizing a list of names), replacing some symbols by others, and so on.


To satisfy the needs of the phoneticians in the study of speech sounds, a set of symbols called diacritics are added to broad transcription to show the more subtle differences between similar sounds.


The Quebecois, of course, required that all moutons be tallied on special sheets in which the numbers were listed in alphabetic notation: un, deux, trios


更多网络解释与字母符号相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


表现在:缩写(abbreviation),首字母缩写(acronym)和表情符号(emoticon)运用较少,拼写错误较少,缩约(contraction)并不普遍. 但结果显示,即时交流更像口语而不是书面语.

alphabetic character:字母符号

alphabet 字母 | alphabetic character 字母符号 | alphabetic character set 字母字符集

alphabetic character set:字母字符集

alphabetic character 字母符号 | alphabetic character set 字母字符集 | alphabetic code 字母码

gamma alphabetic character:字母符号

gamma alphabetic character 字母符号 | alphabetic characters 字母数字符 | alphabetic code 字母码

alphabetic string:字母串, 字母行

alphabetic sorter | 字母分类器 | alphabetic string | 字母串, 字母行 | alphabetic symbol | 字母符号

alphameric:字母数字 字母数字的

alphameprodine阿法美罗定 | alphameric字母数字 字母数字的 | alphamericcharacter字母数字符号


sum表示累加和,deno是英文字母(denominator)缩写,sign代表数值的符号,term代表某一项. 在步骤S1中先预设sign(代表级数中各项的符号,它的值为1或-1). 在步骤S2中使sum等于1,相当于已将级数中的第一项放到了sum中. 在步骤S3中使分母的值为2.


和汉字 (Chinese character) 一样,英文字母表 (alphabet) 中的每个(every) 字母 (letter) 一开始都是描摹某种动物(animal)或物体形状(shape) 的图画,而这些图画最后演变成为符号(symbol).

Input your own text alphabets or symbols:输入您自己的文字字母或符号

Significant airflow and harmless fan blades显... | Custom LED message- show your message and keep yourself cool at the same time自定义... | Input your own text alphabets or symbols输入您自己的文字字母或符号

acute accent:高音符号(智能用户电报字母顶上的"'"符号)

高性能信息通信 High Performance Computing and Communication HPCC | 高音符号(智能用户电报字母顶上的"'"符号) acute accent | 高增益功放板 High gain Power Amplifier card HPA