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The first torchbearer was Achaean Constantine Kondylis, the last one was Germanic Fritz Schilgen, who was an athlete of 1,500 meter race.
Our Biarritz is reminiscent of the ninth at Yale — without the pond — because it plays so downhill and because the front hole location is interesting for it, but it's not really like any of the holes that Macdonald and Raynor built.
If it is, break Condorcet ties with Schulze's Beat Path, Tideman's Ranked Pairs , or IRV, otherwise use Borda, Dodgson or Max-min.
" His first novel, 1992's Beauty, was a bestseller; Dean Koontz called it "the best first novel I have read in a decade.
"他的第一部小说, 1992年的美,是一个畅销书;迪恩孔茨称为但"最好的第一部小说我读过了十年。
He looked that day rather thinner after his illness than he had been at the review of Olmütz, where Bolkonsky had seen him for the first time abroad. But there was the same bewitching combination of majesty and mildness in his fine, grey eyes, and on his delicate lips the same possibility of varying expressions and the predominant expression of noble-hearted, guileless youth.
After meeting with Hungarian President Arpad Goncz and seeing our troops in Taszar, I flew on to Tuzla in northeastern Bosnia, the area for which the United States was responsible.
Home to seven people and eleven dogs, the stays warm in subzero weather with the aid of an iron stove vented through a smoke hole above.
Now a group of researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology in Chemnitz, Germany, has found a way to use an EMP device to shape and punch holes through industry's metallic heavyweight-steel.
- 更多网络解释与孔茨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Bill Gates:比尔.盖茨
作为德国SAP的CEO,他是从偶像级的创建人,有著"欧洲比尔.盖茨"(Bill Gates)美誉的哈索.普莱特纳(Hasso Plattner)手中接过这家公司的. 不过他做得不错. 在有著学者风度的孔翰宁的领导下,SAP在全球企业软件市场的占有率提高到47%,
Darren Crowdy:达伦.克劳迪,扩展了施瓦茨-克里斯托费尔映射公式,有洞孔的情形等可以被考虑进去
darning needle 蜻蜒 | DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Program Agency 国防高等研究計画局 | Darren Crowdy 达伦.克劳迪,扩展了施瓦茨-克里斯托费尔映射公式,有洞孔的情形等可以被考虑进去.
Dean Koontz:迪恩.孔茨
作者:(美)迪恩.孔茨(Dean Koontz)著;秦维杜译 出版社:上海译文出版社作者:(美)迪恩.孔茨(Dean Koontz)著;陈余德,彭智灵译 出版社:上海译文出版社
Dean Koontz:迪恩.孔茨--恐怖,悬疑,惊悸
Lee Child 李.恰尔德--惊险 | Dean Koontz 迪恩.孔茨--恐怖,悬疑,惊悸 | Harlan Coben 哈兰.科本--悬疑
另一个简单的孔多塞制是最大最小(Minimax)制:如果没有选项没被击败,那么被最少的选票击败的选项获胜. 近年来还有由马库斯.舒尔茨(Markus Schulze)设计的舒尔茨制,以及尼科劳斯.泰德曼(Nicolaus Tideman)设计的排列成双制(Ranked Pairs),