英语人>词典>汉英 : 子宫阴道的 的英文翻译,例句
子宫阴道的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The effects of FPL andits three ingredients on growth of ovary,on micro-and ultra-structure andAlkaline phosphatase activity of endometrium,on structure andkeratinization rate of exfoliated cells in vaginal epithelium in mice,onmicrocirculation in rat and on uterine kinesis in rabbit were respectivelyobserved by the techniques of light and electron microscopes,histochemistry,microcirculation and organ cinetography.The results have confirmed themechanism of FPL for the sterility caused by ovary standstill and persistentcorpus luteum to be as follows:(1) a weak estrogen-like role which canprompt development of ovary,proliferation and secretion of endometrium andvaginal epithelium and cornification of exfoliated cells in vaginal epithelium;(2)enhancing AKP's activity of endometrium;(3)improving microcirculation;(4) exciting uterus.


The results showed that LRK could significantly inhibit the mammary hyperplasia caused by estrin, reduce the content of serum 〓, raise P level, promote the production of DA in hypothalamus and mammary tissue, decrease the release of 5-HT, inhibit the secretion of serum PRL, reduce the sensitivity of mammary tissue to estrin and progestogen, prevent the expression of mammary tissue on PCNA, the effect was equal to triphenylamine oxide, obviously superior to the control group of Ru Zeng Ning.


Objective To investigate the feasibility and safety of transvaginal hysterectomy in the treatment of uterine diseases.

目的 探讨经阴道手术治疗子宫疾病的可行性及安全性。

Muscle intermural myo-lump 63 examples, under myo-lump 11 examples, under mucous membrane myo-lump 19 examples, myo-lump 5 examples.


Myomectomy was performed laparoscopically after bipolar coagulation of the myoma pedicle, while the myoma associated with the ectopic mass was removed via colpotomy incision.


In this double-blind study, 142 women with high-risk singleton pregnancies received 100 mg progesterone or placebo daily by vaginal suppository. Between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation, all subjects had uterine contraction monitoring with an external tocodynamometer once weekly for 60 minutes.


Results: The main causes of uterine rupture were unproper use of oxytocin, scared uterine, mispresentation and difficult transvaginal operations.


Objective: The discussion from congeals the knife after the vagina micro to create the treatment Wombmyo lump the clinical curative effect.


Objective To investigate differences in the expression and distribution of estrogen receptor-alpha and betain the uterus and vagina of rats after ovariectomy.

目的 通过观察雌激素受体亚型在去势大鼠子宫和阴道的表达,研究卵巢切除对大鼠子宫、阴道的影响机制。

Leucorrhea women is vaginal mucosa exudate, cervical and endometrial gland secretions of a mixture containing Bacillus vaginal and genital tract mucosa of exfoliated cells, the amount of leukorrhea and the traits and the level of estrogen-related.


更多网络解释与子宫阴道的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


local anaesthetic 局部麻醉 | lochia 恶露(分娩后的子宫阴道分泌物) | loop around neck 绕脖

abdominovaginal:[医] 腹阴道的

1089abdominouterotomy[医] 剖腹子宫切开术, 腹式子宫切开术 | 1090abdominovaginal[医] 腹阴道的 | 1091abdominovaginal hysterectomy[医] 腹部阴道子宫切除术

Noninflammatory disorder of vagina unspecified:阴道的非炎性疾患,未特指

子宫非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of uter... | 阴道的非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of vagina unspecified | 外阴和会阴非炎性疾患,未特指 Noninflammatory disorder of vulva and pe...


rectouterine 直肠子宫的 | rectovaginal 直肠阴道的 | rectovesical 直肠膀胱的


ureterouterine 输尿管子宫的 | ureterovaginal 输尿管阴道的 | ureterovesical 输尿管膀胱的


uterocervical 子宫子宫颈的 | uterocolic 子宫结肠的 | uterocolposcope 子宫阴道镜


7,子宫移位uterine displacement | 8,子宫阴道的uterovaginal | 9,子宫阴道镜uterocolposcope

uterovaginal atresia:子宫阴道闭锁

子宫阴道的 uterovaginal | 子宫阴道闭锁 uterovaginal atresia | 双重子宫阴道 uterovaginal duplication


子宫阴道(神经)丛 utero-vaginal plexus | 子宫膀胱的 uterovesical | 子宫腺肌症 uterus adenomyosis


vesicouterovaginal 膀胱子宫阴道的 | vesicovaginal 膀胱阴道的 | vesicovaginalfistula 膀胱阴道瘘