英语人>词典>汉英 : 子实层 的英文翻译,例句
子实层 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hymenium  ·  hymenia  ·  hymeniums

更多网络例句与子实层相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pezizales An order of ascomycete fungi in which the asci are borne in a HYMENIUM that lines the surface of a cup-shaped fruiting body.


Club-shaped hyphae in the hymenial layer of certain basidiomycete fungi are also termed paraphyses.


In most basidiomycotes the basidia develop in the BASIDIOMA from hyphal tips in the hymenium and may be club-shaped or cylinarical.


In most basidiomycotes the basidia are borne on a special fertile layer, the hymenium, on the surface of a fruiting body, the BASIDIOMA.


The hymenium may be directly exposed to the air, as in the gills of the mushroom or may open into a flask-shaped cavity, as in the perithecia of certain ascomycetes.


The basidioma is composed mainly of sterile tightly packed hyphae; in most species there is a distinct fertile layer, the hymenium, on the surface of the basidioma that bears the basidial hyphae which, after meiosis, give rise to the basidiospores.

担子果主要由紧密缠绕的不育菌丝组成,多数种类还有明显的可育层子实层子实层位于担子果的表面,由菌丝形成担子,减数分裂后产生担孢子(参见 basidium

The results showed that Pleurotus tuber-regium was solitary or tufted, it's primodium was milk-white and weight was generally 48~78g, the biggest was 220g. The structure of Pleurotus tuber-regium included three stories: the outmost story was epidermis, the middle was medulla, and the undermost was hymenium.


更多网络解释与子实层相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




hylambatin 援木蛙肽 | hymenium 子实层[见于真菌] | hymenophore 子实层


子实层的 hymeniferous | 子囊层;子实层 hymenium | 南美蜘蛛水仙花 Hymenocallis amancaes Nichols

hymenial veil:子实层菌幕

countryman 农村人, 同胞 | hymenial veil 子实层菌幕 | turbo fan 涡轮风扇发动机, 透平风扇

hymenial cystidium:子实层囊状体

hymen septus 中隔处女膜 | hymenial cystidium 子实层囊状体 | Hynack steel plate 海纳克护膜耐蚀钢板


膜 hymen | 子实层的 hymenial | 地衣分泌的糊状物质 hymenial gelatine

hymenial algae:子实层藻

07.031 无定形皮层 amorphous cortex | 07.032 子实层藻 hymenial algae | 07.033 同层地衣 homoeomerous lichen


地衣分泌的糊状物质 hymenial gelatine | 有子实层的 hymeniferous | 子囊层;子实层 hymenium


子实层分布在菌髓(trama)的两侧,菌髓和子实层构成子实层体(hymenophore). 子实层体有片状、疣状、管状、针状、褶状等多种形式. 因种类不同,子实层中夹杂有侧丝、刚毛(seta)、囊状体(cystidium)和胶囊体(gleocysti- dium)等. 本纲已知有15000余种,

hymenophore:子实层柄 子实层体

hymenomycetes层菌目组 | hymenophore子实层子实层体 | Hymenophyllaceae膜叶蕨科