英语人>词典>汉英 : 嫌疑犯 的英文翻译,例句
嫌疑犯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
suspect  ·  suspected  ·  suspecting  ·  suspects

Guilty by Suspicion
更多网络例句与嫌疑犯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The man is one of the three suspects in a string of robberies.


Prosecutors are ashamed of being involved in an acquittal and fear that losing a case will destroy their careers.


Only one blow on upper arm or thighs is enough to stop an aggressor.


Angie: We don't have time for that. You're a suspect.


It would allow suspects to be convicted and perhaps executed using hearsay evidence and some coerced testimony.


It happened during a police stakeout of two armed robbery suspects who were both killed.


As an example, if Datu Unsay Ampatuan would not have boarded the helicopter to bring him to General Santos City and then to Manila today, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police were prepared to take action and exert all physical force to make sure that the suspect would be brought to the inquest, he told reporters.

"从来都不会姑息,从来就不会有谈判;我们告知嫌疑犯家人我们只对事;比如说,如果Datu Unsay Ampatuan过去不登上直升机,把他儿子送到General Santos市,然后到马尼拉,菲律宾军队和国家警察已经做好了采取行动的准备,动用一切武力确保嫌疑犯接受审判"。

During the process of investigation, the offensive policeman stressed the suspects psychologically with the methods of intimidation to set him nervous and complicated, later tolerate policemen would appear to console the suspects with sympathizing tacts, and demonstrated that they would be absolutely forgiven.


Police in Northern Ireland say they have two suspects in custody in the case of a policeman killed last night in an attack claimed by an IRA splinter group.


Put this lie-detecting helmet on a suspect. If the helmet indicates that the suspect is lying, the prosecutor can pursue the question and keep pressurising the suspect till he is shown to have stopped lying.


更多网络解释与嫌疑犯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

composite portrait:拼凑肖像,组合画像(尤指综合见证人的描述而画成的嫌疑犯像)

composite plate | 复合镀层 | composite portrait | 拼凑肖像,组合画像(尤指综合见证人的描述而画成的嫌疑犯像) | composite powerplant aircraft | 复式动力装置飞机(装有升力发动机和巡航发动机的飞机)

Ergo lesbo:因此是嫌疑犯

C... she rips their fuckin' faces off.|C... 她把他们的脸剥下来. | Ergo lesbo.|因此是嫌疑犯. | Hey, check this out. Missing persons.|嘿, 看一下这个. 失踪人口.

Suspected Foe:嫌疑犯

Citizen 市民 | Suspected Foe 嫌疑犯 | Known Antagonist 已知的对手

keep a record of the suspect:保留嫌疑犯得记录

61 over the past few years 在过去几年中 | 62 keep a record of the suspect 保留嫌疑犯得记录 | 63 record what the witnesses said 把证人说得话录下来

L.A. Confidential:(洛城机密,又名:幕后嫌疑犯)

403) Kull The Conqueror (惊世未了情) | 404) L. A. Confidential (洛城机密,又名:幕后嫌疑犯) | 405) Lake Placid (史前巨鳄)

L.A. Confidential:幕后嫌疑犯(洛城机密、铁面特警队)

55. 8.3 1959 Some Like It Hot 热情似火(骄阳似火) | 56. 8.3 1997 L.A. Confidential 幕后嫌疑犯(洛城机密、铁面特警队) | 58. 8.3 1950 All About Eve 慧星美人

L.A. Confidential:幕后嫌疑犯(铁面特警队)

Krull 电光飞镖侠 1983 | L.A. Confidential 幕后嫌疑犯(铁面特警队) 1997 | L.A. Story L.A.故事 1991

So, she's your basic predatory lesbo:所以, 基本上她应该你的嫌疑犯

I don't need the ten bucks quite that bad, yet.|我不需要十块钱, 还没落魄到那地步. | So, she's your basic predatory lesbo.|所以, 基本上她应该你的嫌疑犯. | How do you figure that ?|你是如何想的?

lineup:列队辨认嫌疑犯 列队辨认嫌疑犯

life sentence 无期徒刑,终生监禁 无期徒刑,终生监禁 | lineup 列队辨认嫌疑犯 列队辨认嫌疑犯 | litigant 诉讼当事人 诉讼当事人


接着选择电脑的最后一项"嫌疑犯"(SUSPECTS),在"嫌疑犯名单"(SUSPECT LIST)中选John Wilkes的名字,然后再在文件列表中选取WILK--PRNT的档案名,在"联结"(Links)中选取LINK TO SUPECT,这样他的档案上就贴上指纹图象了.