英语人>词典>汉英 : 嫁妆 的英文翻译,例句
嫁妆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dower  ·  dowry  ·  portion  ·  trousseau  ·  tocher  ·  trousseaux  ·  dowery  ·  maritage  ·  dowered  ·  dowering  ·  dowers  ·  dowries  ·  portioned  ·  portions  ·  trouseau

marriage portion
更多网络例句与嫁妆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A woman's marriage portion;a dowry .


Of course he deemed that this couldnever be; and she, summoning from the lake three cows, twooxen, and a bull, as her marriage portion, was led homewardby him as his bride.


Based on the investigation in a village in south of Shandong province, the article shows that whether the parents donate the doctor dowry or not and how much the dowry is worth, are not a simple economic issue. They are closely linked with the life of the women in wife-receivrs and the affinal relations between the two families.


Although the scholars have different viewpoints, they stand on the same starting point, that is, dowry and bride wealth is a important factor in building the affinal relations between the wife-givers and the wife-receivrs.


English Summary/英文概要: Princess Alais of France travels to England to marry Richard the Lionhearted, the son of King Henry II, armed only with her dowry, the valuable Vexin.

Chinese Summary/中文概要:本书讲述了法国公主艾蕾丝带上嫁妆前往英国,为与亨利二世之子狮心王理查德成婚。

In 1719, the daughter of the head of estate married the Prince of Auersperg with Cerna Hora Brewery as the dowry.


The passing of a property interest subject to the imposition of an obligation by the decedent does not include a bequest, devise, or transfer in lieu of dower, curtesy, or of a statutory estate created in lieu of dower or curtesy, or of other marital rights in the decedent's property or estate.

通过物产利益受义务的税收支配死者不包括一份遗产,构想或者调动代替嫁妆, curtesy,或者一个法律庄园被创造代替嫁妆或curtesy,或者其他婚姻权利在死者的物产或庄园。

The author displays mainly the diversity of origin and symbol of dowry. At the same time , the author indicates that, from the angle of folklore, dowry is not the women's way of inheritance of property, her heirship is bound up with marriage all the time.


But families here also fear the financial burden of girls - when it comes time to pay huge traditional dowries to their daughters' future husbands upon marriage.


Bride price and dowry is also a kind of cultural practices; in most rural areas, there are still "parents of life Meishuozhiyan" married model and the bride price and dowry to the process of this mode is the most important link.


更多网络解释与嫁妆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a marriage portion:一份嫁妆

46a man of iron意志坚强的人,严酷无情的人 | 47a marriage portion一份嫁妆 | 48a matter of conscience要良心来决定的问题

Though his fair daughter's self ,as I avowed:不会拒绝我对嫁妆的正当要求,虽然

Of mine for dowy will be disallowed 公爵阁下的慷慨众人皆... | Though his fair daughter's self ,as I avowed 不会拒绝我对嫁妆的正当要求,虽然 | At starting ,is my horse,though a rarity 我一开始就坦然宣布,...

and grant them dowries befitting a proper marriage:赋予她们体面的婚姻和相当的嫁妆

...we recognize the many women who've shared the long road with us...|我们会承... | ...and grant them dowries befitting a proper marriage.|赋予她们体面的婚姻和相当的嫁妆 | And what about our boys?|那我...


dowel 木钉 | dower 嫁妆 | dowitcher 长嘴半蹼鹬


dower 给以嫁妆 | dower 从亡夫处得来的产业 | dowhateveronepleases 为所欲为

release of dower rights:减免嫁妆的权利

10、registered 登记的,注册的,挂号的 | 11、release of dower rights 减免嫁妆的权利 | 12、renal disease 肾病


婚姻作为一项社会制度在大部分社会里给个体带来社会地位和人际关系上的变化.这种变化通过仪式为社会所承认,通过交换礼物来加以肯定.嫁妆(dowry)和聘礼(bride wealth)是说明这些礼物的人类学概念.目前为止对嫁妆和聘礼,

dowry:嫁妆, 天资

18、god helps those who help themselves 天道酬勤 | 19、dowry 嫁妆, 天资 | 20、puberty 青春期

dowry death:嫁妆不足受屈死亡

downwind source of pollution;顺风污染源;; | dowry death;嫁妆不足受屈死亡;; | dowry-related violence;因嫁妆引起的暴力;;

hope chest:嫁妆

假装殷勤的男子/Price charming | 嫁妆/hope chest | 嫁妆/marriage portion