英语人>词典>汉英 : 婚姻 的英文翻译,例句
婚姻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
marriage  ·  connubium

The Marriage
更多网络例句与婚姻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the development process of the mankind marriage system, the development of India marriage system is more special, it evolved along with India social, successively experienced from ancient times of grow surname marriage go to basinet Islamism marriage, from the modern marriage under England rule to the independence of marriage system modernization.


The study on child bride,marriage contract,betrothal money and the right of divorce in the Old Babylonian period indicates that the study on the marital customs requires that the concerned clauses of Hammurabi Laws and marital documents complement and verify each ...


For interracial marriage 跨人种婚姻), some people do not accept this and think it is wrong.


This paper on the marriage is null and void the legal system, a marriage null and void, declared the marriage null and void marriage is null and void and the procedures of the legal consequences of such areas for an elaboration of the existing void and improve the institution of marriage to be made of some of their own views.


According to the importance of《the marriage law》in realitic life , it is necessary for us to study the marriage procedure system. The marriage procedure system, as an important law system to manage the marital relationship,has already obtained great consummation and complementarity for a long time ,however, with the development of the society, the marriage family relation is becoming more and more complicated and also b...


Smith, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, hereby affirm and declare that no such marriages have been solemnized with the sanction, consent or knowledge the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints; and I hereby announce that all such marriages are prohibited, and if any officer or member of the Church shall assume to solemnize or enter into any such marriage, he will be deemed in transgression against the Church he will be liable to be dealt with according to the rules and regulations thereof, and excommunicated therefrom.


Of the ways to make these all come true, the improvement of the quality of the people is the foundation stone, the reconstruction of the ethics of marriage and family is the spirituous motive power, and the perfection of the Marriage Law is the guarantee.


Also, it analyzed the similarity and difference in the relation between income satisfaction and marriage nowadays in China: among those who have been married, the average income satisfaction degree is obviously higher than those who are not married; among them, males have comparatively higher average income satisfaction, which indicates that men obtain more eudemonia factors from marriage. In China, because of the economic and mental difference between the city and the country, the relation between income satisfaction degree and marriage has manifested some diversity, mainly as follows: 1. those who divorced in rural area has the lowest average income satisfaction among all the different marrital statuses; those who divorced in urban area has the intermediate average income satisfaction.


Emphasizing on gender equality,love basebpartner marriage consti-tutes a lash to the traditional marriage. This, on the one hand,relegates the function of breeding and promotesthe desire of same-sex marriage;on the other hand, raises the cost of homosexuals in heterosexual marriage.


Family law covers marriage formation; the legal effects of marriage; marriage termination by divorce, separation and annulment, filiations, and family support obligations.

nbsp; Marriage 婚姻 Ma家庭法包括婚姻的成立,婚姻的法律效力,由于离婚,分居,宣告婚姻无效所致的婚姻终止,私生子父亲的确定,以及家庭成员的抚养义务。

更多网络解释与婚姻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

arranged marriage:包办婚姻

西方有学者研究表明:包办婚姻(arranged marriage)离婚率低于自由恋爱. 舆论哗然. 这似乎说明,包办婚姻的人更幸福. 其实不然. 研究者进一步推论:留在婚姻中的人并不定是因为婚姻幸福,能够接受包办婚姻的人比较逆来顺受,在婚姻出现问题的时候也不愿意选择离婚.

common-law marriage:普通法婚姻

普通法婚姻(Common Law Marriage)是美国某些州认可的一种婚姻形式,它是指没有结婚的男女未进行结婚登记或遵行其它结婚程序而以夫妻名义、并以结婚为目的而公开同居生活一定时间,从而法律认定该婚姻关系合法的婚姻形式.

common-law marriage:普通法/习惯法上的婚姻 普通法/习惯法上的婚姻

common law 判例法,习惯法,普通法 判例法,习惯法,普通法 | common law marriage 普通法/习惯法上的婚姻 普通法/习惯法上的婚姻 | community service 社区服务 社区服务

consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage:自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻

consensual marriage;意合婚;; | consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage;自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻;; | consensus;协商一致; 共识;;


changes in婚姻变化 | companionate和谐婚姻 | conventional惯常婚姻


婚姻的hymenealmatrimonially | 婚姻地connubially | 婚姻后的postnuptial

marriage of convenience:权益婚姻(由于物质因素等实际考虑的婚姻)

secondary marriage 二奶婚姻 | propose marriage 求婚 | marriage of convenience 权益婚姻(由于物质因素等实际考虑的婚姻)


婚姻再也没有挽救的余地时,有什么方法可以结束婚姻关系呢?一般来说,结束婚姻关系有以下几个方法:离婚(dissolution),申请婚姻无效(nullity)或法定分居(legal separation).

validated marriage:认可婚姻

"登记官"(Registrar) 指根据<<婚姻条例>>(第181章)第3条委任的婚姻登记官及任何副婚姻登记官;"新式婚姻"(modern marriage) 指於指定日期前,在2名或多名见证人在场下,在香港作为新式婚姻而以公开仪式举行婚礼的婚姻;"认可婚姻"(validated marriage) 指藉第8条有效的新式婚姻;

Same-sex marriage:同性婚姻

在这里,主要通过介绍美国同性伴侣争取婚姻家庭权利的曲折历程,以及国外有关的立法例,来探讨"同性婚姻"(Same Sex Marriage)的法律问题. 一、美国有关同性婚姻的判例和立法 美国为判例法国家,法院所作的判例经历了一个从否认同性婚姻及同性伴侣权利到逐渐承认同性伴侣者权利的过程,