英语人>词典>汉英 : 娇气的人 的英文翻译,例句
娇气的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与娇气的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The quality or condition of being effeminate.a pampered darling; an effeminate man.


A boy or man who is considered weak or effeminate.


Although it is very small, inconspicuous, but when you observe carefully, you will find it beautiful and lovely, it is a effemination of the United States, it is liked.


I think the children should not be too effemination, can walk out to play let him walk, less crowded places to wear undress will not be too frequent, when the heat should not cover too much, the general children's clothes more than adults you can wear one.


I just cried when she had her milk, she does not drink, that is, to cry, I do not know how the case, his daughter has been my wife and daughter with grandmother They said some kind of Sichuanese used to show the kind of娃儿daughter effemination with relatively weak immune system and poor quality, a little attention on influenza virus.


Many English words possess synonyms which express more or less the same meaning. For example: wife—woman, better half, helpmate, helpmeet, grey mare and squaw.


The pettishness that might be caressed into fondness, had yielded to a listless apathy; there was less of the peevish temper of a child which frets and teases on purpose to be soothed, and more of the self-absorbed moroseness of a confirmed invalid, repelling consolation, and ready to regard the good-humoured mirth of others as an insult.


The pettishness that might be caressed into fondness, had yielded to a listless apathy; there was less of the peevish temper of a child which frets teases on purpose to be soothed, more of the self-absorbed moroseness of a confirmed invalid, repelling consolation, ready to regard the good-humoured mirth of others as an insult.

原先那种暴性子,本来还可以 www.ssbbww.com 被爱抚软化成娇气,现在 dd dtt。 com 却变成冷淡无情了;小孩子为了 dd dtt。 com 要人安慰而麻烦人的那种任性少了一些8 tt t8.com ,添上的却是一个确实有病的人那种对自己坏脾气的专注,抗拒安慰,并且准备把别人真诚的欢乐当作一种侮辱。

As for perfection, that is considered trivial—almost unmanly.


The Money Tree, with a red silk ribbon symbolic of making money tied around its tall and thin neck and small lanterns hanging from its twigs, smells of stinking money; the Snow White, with white veins, a burst of green, gives an arrogant air, effeminate, aloof and hard to please; the ball cactus, fresh, glossy and green, and pointed prickers all over, is an image of a hedgehog.


更多网络解释与娇气的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do away with apathetic,arrogant,bureacratic and finicky airs:打掉暮气、傲气、官气、娇气. (做作的姿态,架子)

2.Man cannot live without air.人离开... | Do away with apathetic,arrogant,bureacratic and finicky airs.打掉暮气、傲气、官气、娇气. (做作的姿态,架子) | 3.It is the custom with certain foreigners to do so.这...