英语人>词典>汉英 : 威胁性 的英文翻译,例句
威胁性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与威胁性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And, be sure you deliver it in a non-threatening, non adversarial, non-smarty pants kind of way.


While the Rio Tinto employees still face lesser charges of bribery and theft of trade secrets, the espionage threats stirred broad unease among foreign companies operating in China, which feared that they could face persecution and closed-door trials for engaging in what much of the world would regard as bare-knuckle business tactics.


He's on a similar pace this year in Colorado, but he'll have to improve upon that .227 batting average if he plans to be more of a threat.


Because perceptions are unreliable and intentions can change, it is safer to balance against potential threats than to rely on the hope that a state will remain benevolently disposed.


The bombardier beetle may look innocent enough, but it is famous for being able to spray boiling hot and chemically toxic bodily fluids in the direction of any would-be predator.


Post any Submissions or information that is abusive, defamatory, discriminatory, hateful


The exposure to an abnormal minatory or catastrophic traumatic event may result in posttraumatic stress disorder, which is characterized by a complex symptomatology, such as symptoms of reexperiencing the trauma, hyperarousal, persistent alert augment and eschewal, selective oblivion for traumatic event, losing confidence, and so on.


Before an individual can be appointed a professor at Harvard University, they must have, not just the endorsement of the people who will be their colleagues in the given area of knowledge, but there must also be letters sent to leading experts in every aspects of their field.


Of a menacing or threatening nature;minacious.


The quantity and quality of threatening pass determine whether the team can win the game; the threatening pass and scores took place in the middle of the attacking third most; the proper through pass increase the difficulty of the deffense of the opponent and creat more time and space for the attacking side; place kick (free-kicks in the up field and corners) is one of the important ways of threatening pass.


更多网络解释与威胁性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

maternal aggression:母性攻击

若果攻击能去除挫折, 这攻击便会得到强化, 而同一情况而令动物引起攻击牲的机会率也会增加.母性攻击(Maternal aggression)其他动物对一雌性动物的幼仔作出威胁性姿态或靠近它们时,该雌性动物作出的任何类似攻击的反应.


位於西冷县芝囊卡乡的观察站主任安敦(Anton)向媒体说,子火山还处於三级戒备状态,喷出炽热火山物质及灰烟,高达400米,具威胁性. 游客或渔民不可进入周边3公里范围. 但他说,虽然子火山不断爆发、震动,但不足以引发海啸,


在国家面临威胁挑战时,国家有两种可能的选择:一种是采取"制衡"(balancing) 的行为,即"面临外来威胁的国家会与其他国家结盟来反对制造威胁的国家,";另一种选择是 "附势"(bandwagoning) 的行为,即"面临威胁的国家与最具威胁性的国家结盟.


Bag 一瓶啤酒 | Beastie 形容一个人看起来很粗暴或具威胁性 | Blow up 变得有名气

Beastie C:形容一个人看起来很粗暴或具威胁性

Bag C 一瓶啤酒 | Beastie C 形容一个人看起来很粗暴或具威胁性 | Blow up C 变得有名气


bestial 野兽的,残忍的 | billowing 如波浪般翻滚的 | brandish 威胁性的挥舞


马斯洛强调,并非所有的受挫都是威胁性的,实际上,剥夺 (deprivation)既有正面影响,也有负面影响. 马斯洛还讨论了威胁性和非威胁性的冲突,同时还指出,某些冲突也有其正面的影响.


hideous 可怕的,令人厌恶的 | intimidating 威胁性的 | conjecture 推测

Alan McManus:艾伦-迈克马努斯

威胁性来看马克-塞尔比威胁最大,达赫迪中等,艾伦-迈克马努斯(Alan McManus)威胁性较小. 塞尔比是近两年斯诺克球坛涌现出的年轻才俊,还在新近的大师赛上获得冠军, 更是新一代球星中的典型代表.

distracting pattern:威胁性弹群

远距支援作战 distance support operations; distant support operations | 威胁性弹群 distracting pattern | 分发点 distributing point