英语人>词典>汉英 : 妨碍球 的英文翻译,例句
妨碍球 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
stymie  ·  stimy  ·  stymy  ·  stimied  ·  stimying  ·  stymieing  ·  stymying  ·  stymies

block ball
更多网络例句与妨碍球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the season trudges along, every fifth day we forget all about Hughes' and Kennedy's troubles and watch a potential milestone season unravel for Wang. We hold our breath with every pitch thrown hoping that the problematic fingernail does not flare up and impede on his march to October. Last night you could hear the gasps from the raucous crowd when in the fifth inning, Wang summoned Jose Molina to the mound after a pitch and was seen flicking his right thumb. Manager Joe Girardi and Head Trainer Gene Monahan immediately jogged to the mound, hoping their worst fears were not realized. At that point you could immediately feel the sense of urgency in the organization. This was their gem, their only bridge between now and championship number 27. 9 M# u7 Y s# W O

随著这个令人心情沉重的球季持续进行著,每5天我们就可以忘掉所有关於休斯和甘乃迪的困扰,并且看到王小民开创可能是一个生涯里程碑的球季,在他投出每一球时,我们屏气敛息希望他那常搞飞机的指甲别出状况,而妨碍到他进军十月份的比赛,昨晚第五局王小民投出一球之后,招手要莫里那上投手丘,并且轻轻活动他的右拇指时,你可以听到喧闹的观众中传来阵阵的喘气声,总教练吉拉帝和主任防护员Gene Monahan马上跑上投手丘,希望他们最害怕的事情千万别发生,在那个时候你可以立即感受到球团里面的焦急感,这是他们的瑰宝,他们通往第27座世界冠军头衔的唯一桥梁。2 V# T6 h+ 9 o$ P' J

If the ball either had struck, or would have struck, any other wall and the return would have been good ,a let is played.


更多网络解释与妨碍球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


heavy ball 重球 | hinder 妨碍/干扰 | hindrance 妨碍



stymie:[高尔夫] 妨碍球/妨碍/困境

stymatosis /出血性阴茎异常勃起/ | stymie /[高尔夫] 妨碍球/妨碍/困境/ | styptic /收敛性的/止血的/止血剂/


stymy 妨碍球 | styptic 收敛剂 | styrene 苯乙烯


stymie /[高尔夫] 妨碍球/妨碍/困境/ | styptic /收敛性的/止血的/止血剂/ | styracine /桂皮酸桂皮酯/

Diddy Kong Racing DS:(美国) (迪迪金刚赛车)妨碍类赛车游戏

0837 - Underground Pool (美國) (檯球行動)體育 | 0836 - Diddy Kong Racing DS (美國) (迪迪金剛賽車)妨礙類賽車遊戲 | 0835 - Biker Mice From Mars (歐洲) (火星鼠騎士)競速類


stimulus 刺激 | stimy 妨碍球 | sting 刺

stypsis:收敛作用; 收敛疗法 (名)

stymie 对...使出妨碍球; 妨碍; 使陷困境 (动) | stypsis 收敛作用; 收敛疗法 (名) | styptic 收敛性的, 止血的 (形)


stymie 妨碍球 | stymy 妨碍球 | styptic 收敛剂


巧固球(Tchoukball)又称君子球,因为在比赛过程中攻守两方不能妨碍彼此. 在攻方球员将球掷向弹性网并弹回3公尺外的有效区后,若守方球员无法在球落地前接到,则攻方得1分;若守方接到,则换守方进攻. 巧固球运动中并无攻击区和防守区的分别,