英语人>词典>汉英 : 妨害 的英文翻译,例句
妨害 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cumber  ·  encumber  ·  foul  ·  hindrance  ·  holdback  ·  molestation  ·  sabotage  ·  fouler  ·  incumber  ·  cumbered  ·  cumbering  ·  cumbers  ·  encumbered  ·  encumbering  ·  encumbers  ·  fouled  ·  incumbered  ·  incumbering  ·  sabotaged  ·  sabotages  ·  sabotaging

be harmful to
更多网络例句与妨害相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.


Luo Mou of director of bureau of civil administration of Chinese birthday county to this county Long Yang presses down one villager home in, with respect to the cremation of a dead matters concerned is made harmonious persuade the job, suffer local part villager unexpectedly besiege, even besieger rips Luo Mou's jacket tear off of sodden, bust bodice, make its sufferred greatest affront.


Officers arrested the suspect on Feb. 10 and charged him with animalcruelty and a breach of the peace,the spokeswoman said.


Officers arrested the suspect on Feb. 10 and charged him with animal cruelty and a breach of the peace, the spokeswoman said.


If it seems likely that the situation will escalate into violence again when police leave, an arrest will have to be made, usually on grounds of breach of the peace – by far the most common offence recorded in the study.


They want to make our consumables more eco-friendly.


Those who flawed and hindered me, those who blemished and discolored me, to those who facilitated my growth and those who gave me their all.


The agency shall not be required to provide information if to do so would impair the performance of the tasks of the agency, if the disclosure would disserve the wellbeing of the Federal Republic or of a state thereof, or to the extent that the events must be kept secret pursuant to law or due to their nature, in particular due to lawful interests of the parties or of third parties.


If the nuisance affects a large number of persons, it isdeemed a public nuisance.


Criminal law Bill for amendment be supposed to prepare processing as the credit card cheating crime the criminality alone to stipulate for the independent implementation behavior, thus realized the result to violate the legislation to violate the legislation to the behavior the transformation.


更多网络解释与妨害相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abatement of nuisance:减少妨害干扰,排除妨害

Abatement of legacies 放弃遗赠 | Abatement of nuisance 减少妨害干扰,排除妨害 | Abatement of purchase-money 减低买卖

breach of the peace:妨害治安

breach of faith 违约 | breach of the peace 妨害治安 | breach 违背

breach of the peace:妨害治安, 暴动

breach of promise | 毁约;毁弃婚约 | breach of the peace | 妨害治安, 暴动 | breach of trust | 受托人违反信托约定 背信, 违约

breach of the peace:破坏安宁,妨害安宁

breach of terms and conditions contracted 违反合同规定 | breach of the peace 破坏安宁,妨害安宁 | breach of trust 背信罪,违反信托义务


discomfit 打破计划 | discomfiture 妨害计划 | discommode 使不方便

disorderly conduct:妨害治安行为

dismiss 换...的班 | disorderly conduct 妨害治安行为 | disparity pay 附加工资

private nuisance:私人妨害

但应该赔偿由他所造成的损失. 损害法(law of nuisance)中有很多强制交易,这种强制交易之所以会有,...严重化的妨害. 美国的妨害行为法(law of nuisance)是规制环境侵权行为的重要法律. 妨害可分为公共妨害(PublicNuisance)和私人妨害(Private Nuisance),...


obstruction 障碍物 | obstructor 妨害者,妨碍物,阻碍者 | obstructive 妨害的,阻碍的,妨碍的

obstructing justice:妨害司法 妨害司法

obscenity 猥亵,淫秽,下流 猥亵,淫秽,下流 | obstructing justice 妨害司法 妨害司法 | offense 罪行,犯法 罪行,犯法


Sabotage(妨害) | Sabotaged(被妨害) | Integrity (整合)