英语人>词典>汉英 : 如砖的 的英文翻译,例句
如砖的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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My plant 520-1, 520-2 lately large brick machines model 14 pieces and 18, 20 pieces of 100 mm 200 mm Holland brickses at a time, having never needed to use to give plank, and any productseses can produce such as arbitrarily colorful road noodles azulejo, turf-grass brick and U type catchment dike brick and grow 1.2 meters, the breadth is 0.6 meters, the road of thick 0.4 meterses follow the stone and shoulder stoneses can all produce, class produces being 20000 pieces of is above and have the above new model all characteristicses and is a large cement product factory production high grade cement most ideal product nowadays of the head choose an equipments.

本厂最新大型520-1、520-2液压型砖机一次成型14块、18、20块100mm 200mm荷兰砖,无需使用托板、且任何产品都可以生产如任意彩色路面花砖、草坪砖、U型排水渠砖及长1.2米,宽0.6米,厚0.4米的路沿石、路肩石都可全部生产,班产20000块以上并且有以上新机型所有特点、是当今大型水泥制品厂生产高等级水泥制品最理想的首选设备。

My plant 520-1, 520-2 lately large brick machines model 14 pieces 18, 20 pieces of 100 mm × 200 mm Hollbrickses at a time, having never needed to use to give plank, any productseses can produce such as arbitrarily colorful road noodles azulejo, turf-grass brick U type catchment dike brick grow 1.2 meters, the breadth is 0.6 meters, the road of thick 0.4 meterses follow the stone shoulder stoneses can all produce, class produces being 20000 pieces of is above have the above new model allacteristicses is a large cement product factory production high grade cement most ideal product nowadays of the head choose an equipments.


Concrete may also be used to build a stable base for other materials, such as a brickwork patio.


Its the best choice to produce color pavers brick, standard brick, Eco-standard brick, curbstone, slope protection brick, lintels grass planting brick, products related to roadrailway, concrete items related to city projectsproducts made of construction slags.


The car wears town north to go up, street and narrow, storefront is flat, house of two side building is face of yellow brick apply more, the long and thin filamentous that farmhouse abstains plays a side, hang like water shade before be being spilled at the portal.


Based on abundant resources and professional team, we are able to offer a wide range of natural stone products such as slabs, tiles, irregulars, countertops, monuments and construction and landscaping materials.


Before the steep, the pressed Pu'er Tea had better first to be unwrap for 1-2 week in advance to awake the nature of tea; as for the brick tea, cake tea, ball tea the unwrap can be shorter, otherwise the density of soup that these teas steep out will too heavy to taste. Lt certainly can rest on personally favorites to steep Pu'er Tea to suit your taste is ok.


As long as moulds are changed, the machine can available to make all kinds of products, such as standard brick, color paver, grass-planting paver. It is the best choice to make wall brick and ground paver.


2 BRICK MASONRY 3.2.1 Technical terms Some of the common terms used in the brick masonry are illustrated in this section in fig3.1 and fig 3.2 Arrises The edges formed by the intersection of plane surfaces of a brick are called arrises Stretcher This is a brick laid with its length parallel to the face or direction of a wall.

3.2。砖砌 3.2.1。专业术语一些砖砌中的常用属于如本节图3.1和3.2所示。尖脊:由同一块砖的不同平面的交叉点形成的边缘成为尖脊。

The early emphasis in industrial engineering was in the design of efficient manual methods for work (e.g., a two-handed method for the laying of bricks), the design of specialized tools to increase productivity and reduce fatigue (e.g., brick pallets at waist height so bricklayers didn't have to bend over), and, to a lesser extent, the design of the social environment (e.g., the invention of the suggestion box).


更多网络解释与如砖的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bonding strength:粘结强度

n janjje qjangdu粘结强度(bonding strength)两种材料粘结在一起时,单位界面之间的粘结力. 用耐火砖砌筑各种窑炉时,通常在砖与砖之间需用耐火泥浆粘结;某些不定形耐火材并(如投射料、喷涂料、喷补料等)在使用、施工时,要有一定的粘结能力,

cock on his own dunghill:在自己的粪堆上称雄的公鸡,自鸣得意

42.cast sheep's eye at 像某人愚蠢地送上秋波 | 43.cock on his own dunghill 在自己的粪堆上称雄的公鸡,自鸣得意 | 44.like a cat on hot brick 如热砖上的猫,紧张而又激动


lateritious 如砖的 | laterization 红土化作用 | latescent 隐而不显的


brick n.砖, 砖块, 砖形物(如茶砖,冰砖等), 心肠好的人 | porta肝门 | indeedy int.=indeed




laterite 红土 | lateritic 含有红土的 | lateritious 如砖的


lateritic 含有红土的 | lateritious 如砖的 | laterization 红土化作用

lateritious:如砖的; 有砖之红色的 (形)

laterite 红土带; 砖红壤 (名) | lateritious 如砖的; 有砖之红色的 (形) | latescent 隐而不显的 (形)

latescent:隐而不显的 (形)

lateritious 如砖的; 有砖之红色的 (形) | latescent 隐而不显的 (形) | latest 最新的; 最迟的; 最近的 (形)

For use on masonry surfaces such as stone, brick, or concrete only:使用的砌体表面,如石料,砖,混凝土或只

Includes enamel cooking grate, spark guard cover and poker包括搪瓷煮食炉箅,星... | For use on masonry surfaces such as stone, brick, or concrete only使用的砌体表面,如石料,砖,混凝土或只 | Accessories: 附...