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Jacob Burckhardt says in his essay on narrative painting that: the picture "ought to induce through its artistic force such a mood from the outset that one would expect the Utmost ".
In the next village, a burgher suggested that he go over to such-and-so a hamlet to prepare his positions, as it had already been destroyed.
Moti Sasson, the mayor of Holon, a satellite city of Tel Aviv, has spent ten years trying to pass a by-law that would allow him to tow away illegally parked cars, as other cities do.
为设法通过一项准予其拖走违章停车的地方法规,特拉维夫(以色列的经济、文化中心,亦是其最大的都市———译者)的卫星城 Holon 市长 Moti Sasson 已耗去10年的时间,如此这般"十年磨一剑"的故事亦在别的城市上演。
You may want them separate, but you may not want to manage the cacophony of things that you deal with today.
Simple and natural process this will make you believe, and will dullyou ( cela vous fera croire, et vous abetira )- will quiet yourproudly critical intellect.
Bruce: So, I see here that you worked for Da Vinci.
For example, there are many who observe My actions and start declaring that My nature is such and such.
But a great of such paper were vertical hung like this and that and the taste and quality of each paper were polymerized and stacked again and again with massive texture, large cubic, narrow distance and iterative layer made me an intuition of dispirit and indistinction, caused by that I got the title from the works of Jia Pingwa.
Folks got up everywheres in the crowd, and worked their way just by main strength to the mourners' bench, with the tears running down their faces; and when all the mourners had got up there to the front benches in a crowd, they sung and shouted and flung themselves down on the straw, just crazy and wild.
We learn that Luther had a hasty temper and uttered certain speeches; we learn that Rousseau was distrustful and wrote certain books; but we do not learn what made the nations cut each other to pieces after the Reformation, or why men guillotined each other during the French Revolution.
- 更多网络解释与如此这般相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
a little:些许
年轻时候也许还多多少少存有些许(a little)什么理想梦想雄心野心的,这会儿奔五了,还不四不六的,终于明白再瞎折腾也折腾不出个什么名堂来,因而听之任之,所谓"鼠肝虫臂随天赋予",因而饱食终日无所用心,如此这般,不胖才怪.
And so on and so forth:如此这般 这般如此 等等等等
so those children can grow up big and strong and have little, teeny children of their own,|因而这些孩子... | And so on and so forth,|如此这般 这般如此 等等等等 | thus adding to the great chain of life.|...
such and such:如此这般的
such 这样的 | such-and-such 如此这般的 | suck in 吸收
Chill out:冷静点
Yada Yada Yada. 如此这般......(讲故事的时候,可以用这个绕过敏感内容) | Chill out! 冷静点. | Are we still cool? 我们之间还行,是吧?
For a spell or two no one seems forlorn:魔力使每个人都远离孤独寂寞
You got to feel you"re on solid ground 这片坚实土地被渐渐感... | For a spell or two no one seems forlorn 魔力使每个人都远离孤独寂寞 | This come to pass when a child is born 当新的生命诞生,如此这般都将化...
I am:我在
其错误首先表现在"我在"(I am)这个结论上. 动词"to be "在这里只能是"存在"的意思,而"存在"只能当作谓词用,不能与名称(主词、专有名词)联用. 一个表示存在的陈述,不能用"a存在"这个形式(如"我存在"), 而只能表述为:"存在着如此这般的东西".
and then leaped aside:之后便跳到了一旁
it barred their path, stifling a laugh, 命运就如此这般阻挡他们的路,却还在一旁默默地窃笑, | and then leaped aside. 之后便跳到了一旁. | There were signs and signals, 有一些征兆和暗示,
soap opera:肥皂剧
爱恨情仇,死而复生. 三个女人一台戏,一集接一集,欲知后事如何,且听下回分解. 如此这般,不见不散,没完没了. 这样,"肥皂剧"(soap opera)的说法就应运而生了,原指播送肥皂广告的广播连续剧,进入电视时代后泛指通俗粗浅的连续剧目.
So on and so forth:如此这般
So it goes "如是而已,如是而已 | So on and so forth 如此这般 | Sod's law (粗)是祸躲不过
thus and thus:如此这般
Thursday 星期四 (名) | thus and thus 如此这般 | thus far 到现在为止